In this very special episode, Kevin and Steph get to celebrate Tell Us a Good Story turns 100! Like with every fifth episode, it’s just Kevin and Steph sharing their own personal stories with you.
DID YOU KNOW. When Kevin and Steph were preparing for episode #1, their goal was to somehow talk to each other for 26 minutes. Neither of them thought they would actually be able to do it. However, that very first conversation lasted over an hour and became episodes #1 and #2. Since then, it’s been 98 more episodes of remarkable and inspiring stories, and we couldn’t have done it without you joining us for the ride. We remain humbled and thankful for all the love and support you’ve given us over these past 100 shows. Through the ups and downs, you’ve been there to share your stories, and to listen and laugh along. It truly means the world to us.
Listen in as they reminisce about the funny stuff that happened when they first started the podcast, share some special messages from prior guests, AND answer a few questions submitted by listeners. Can’t wait for you to hear this conversation as Tell Us a Good Story turns 100!
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story!
Brought to you by Luebbe Companies. Let them be your builder, for life.
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Podcast Instagram: @kevinstephmason
Podcast Facebook: @KevinStephMason
📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here: 👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/