Kymberli Speight is a graduate of the United State Air Force Academy, author, and award-winning professional speaker. She shares some hilarious stories from her time at the Air Force academy, including the first time she jumped out of an airplane. Also, Kymberli tells a story that required her to get clearance from the Academy to confirm it did not include any classified information.
As a relationship expert, Kymberli took on the challenge of meeting 100 people in 100 days. This experience not only changed her life and perspective, but led her to writing the book, “I Need To Know You: How to Meet Ordinary, Extraordinary People and Improve your Life”. Do you think Kevin would like to accept this same challenge? Listen in as he explains why that would NOT be a good idea!
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story!
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Guest Facebook: @kymberlispeight
Guest Website: KymberliSpeight.com
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Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Podcast Instagram: @kevinstephmason
Podcast Facebook: @KevinStephMason
📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here: 👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/