Rowland Hanson is a former executive at Microsoft who is best known for being the person who convinced Bill Gates to name their operating system “Windows”. There have been several books published on the history of Microsoft that document the strategies Rowland executed that led to the dominance of the Microsoft and Windows brands. He has even been interviewed by 60-Minutes about his role in turning Microsoft into a worldwide brand back in the 80s.
As you will hear, Rowland Hanson is fascinating! What was it like to get recruited to Microsoft by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer? How did he and his team come up with the name “Windows”? Also, Rowland tells a hilarious story about how they marketed their new product in Las Vegas at COMDEX, which is one of the largest computer trade shows in the world.
Rowland Hanson is also the founder and CEO of the HMC Company and is focused on his new company called ProVEDA. This company creates plant-infused topical solutions for every part of the body and only uses the highest quality ayurvedic essential oils. For more information about ProVEDA, you can contact Rowland directly at Rowland@ProVEDA.com.
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story! Brought to you by Luebbe Companies. Let them be your builder for life.
Guest Website: thehmccompany.com/rowland-hanson
Email: Rowland@ProVEDA.com
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @KevinStephMason
📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here: 👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/