Dropping your firstborn child off to college can be scary. But what happens when she comes home for the summer after her freshman year and tells you…she’s pregnant?! How do you handle the news? And your husband is the senior pastor of a large church in Connecticut. How do you tell your congregation?
This is exactly what happened to our friend, Rivers Teske. She was kind enough to share some of the most challenging experiences of her life. This amazing pro-life story led to her creating the non-profit organization, Hidden Choices, which supports young women living in extreme crises.
Rivers Teske is an international speaker and author of the book, Rivers Wanted: Does God Still Speak Today? She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, Pastor Paul Teske.
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Rivers Teske Information:
Website: hiddenchoices.org
Book: Rivers Wanted: Does God Still Speak Today?
Facebook: @RiversTeskeMinistries
To connect with Kevin + Steph:
📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here: 👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/