Friends, he’s back!!!

Victor Marx is the founder of All Things Possible Ministries and a Turning Point USA Faith contributor. This man is also a former Marine, master of mixed martial arts, weapons expert, and a 7-time black belt. He travels all over the world to rescue women and children from ISIS, along with putting teams together to fight against human trafficking in the United States. In his words, he is a “high-risk missionary”, but to Kevin + Steph, he’s a “real-life Rambo”!

This conversation includes stories such as…
–  What it was like for Kevin + Steph to meet Victor, Eileen, and their THREE dogs in person.
– Is Kevin still the closest person to ever getting attacked by Victor’s dogs?
– How a man tried to murder Victor this past year.
– The story of rescuing a girl who was kidnapped and part of a sex-trafficking ring overseas.
– AND Victor’s thoughts on the recent assassination attempt of President Trump.     

Victor Marx has overcome a lifetime of obstacles to realize success, including having over 1 BILLION views on social media and YouTube in 2021. Severely abused and tortured as a child, by the time Victor graduated from high school, his lifestyle was filled with drugs, fights, and theft. The discipline of military life and faith in God helped him recover from a traumatic childhood and empowered him to help others. 

Thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story. Head over to our website HERE for video clips, more episodes, and information about Kevin + Steph. And don’t forget to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!

Guest Contact Info:
Instagram: @victormarx
Facebook: @victormarx

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📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here:  👉 

Access the Show Transcript Here

[0:00] Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of Tell Us a Good Story. Today’s episode with our next guest is so good that I really don’t want to give too much information away here. But this repeat guest is now like family to us. I call him a dangerous man, and Steph calls him the real-life Rambo, Mr. Victor Marks. Oh, Victor Marks! You guys, Victor’s stories are mind-boggling in this conversation. From his story about a man who tried to murder him this past year, to he and his wife saving a kidnapped girl from sex trafficking. His stories and their lives are like something straight out of a movie. Like Rambo. Yes, like a Christian version of Rambo, Kevin. And we talked about our trip last year to Colorado Springs to meet him and his wife, Eileen, in person. Am I still the closest person to ever getting attacked by his killer dogs? His answer will probably make you laugh. And as a veteran and weapons expert, what were his thoughts on the recent assassination attempt on President Trump? So good. So good, you guys. Guys, we can’t wait for to hear this conversation with the one and the only Victor Marks.

[1:03] I’m Kevin. And I’m Stephanie. And during our marriage, we have dealt with an electrocution, a brain tumor, brain surgery. Then doctors telling us that children were not in our future, followed by miscarriage, and then Kevin’s cancer diagnosis. However, today we live a life completely healed and restored with three healthy children who doctors said were not possible. and we’re here to tell stories that inspire, give hope, and brighten your day. Welcome to… Tell Us a Good Story.

[1:32] Okay, friends, before we get to this episode, just a friendly reminder to please hit the subscribe button on YouTube and Apple Podcasts or give us a review. Five stars, please. In our world, this is super, super important because it will help with the algorithm to make it easier for people to find us. And thank you for sharing our post across your social media. That really helps with engagement and with us getting guests. Yes. So, hey, if you want us to keep working our way up to talking to Chip and Joanna, please share us with your friends. But regardless, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[2:05] Oh, I love him. Steph, you have it. I love him. I love him. I love him. We have so been looking forward to having this conversation again. I am so excited. Well, friends, our next guest holds many titles, including soldier, master of mixed martial arts, weapons expert, founder of all things possible ministries, and he is author of the new book titled The Dangerous Gentleman. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to Tell Us a Good Story. Sorry, Mr. Victor Marks. Mr. Marks! Oh, hi. There he is. You guys look so great. I’m so happy for y’all. Victor! Thank you. I can just sit here and watch y’all talk. Watch Steph yell at you with excitement. Pretty much. I’m so excited. If she ain’t yelling at me, I’m not loved. That’s right. Thank you for saying yes to us again. I miss y’all. Well, Victor, this time last year, Steph and I were actually getting ready to come out to Colorado Springs to meet you and your wife, Eileen, in August of last year. Isn’t that crazy? It’s been a year. I know. That went fast. What a fun trip that was. Oh, it was so much fun. First question. Am I still the closest person to ever being attacked by your dogs at your house? Yes. I would say, I guess you hold the record, my friend. And I think we upped our insurance because of it. Homeowners, honey, increase that.

[3:32] I was not familiar with these dogs. And by the way, about two weeks ago, a dad on our kids’ softball team, okay, from another child, said, hey, I’ve been reading this book about dogs. Hey, are you familiar with these Belgian Malinois? And, Victor, I started getting the shakes, man, like PTSD. Oh, yeah, bam. I am from from the experience I had at your house. Yeah. So can you explain to listeners these three killer dogs that you have at your house? Well, they’re they’re three little chihuahuas. Right. Right. But they identify as Belgian Malinois. So what are you going to do? You know, you got to live with it. So, yeah, we have working dogs that we use on our teams that are both therapy dogs. That’s the easiest way to explain it. They’re tier one trained bred therapy dogs that bite. So they’re multipurpose. And, I mean, they’re so amazing. We just finished our first episode, a full pilot episode of cartoons, full animated of our dogs, the adventures of Super Scout. Oh, right. I remember you telling us about that. Yeah. But folks, listen, when he says PTSD, you know, we’re not joking too much. These dogs have been in Iraq and Syria.

[4:50] They’re one of the few dogs that can hurt ISIS’s feelings. Yes. And yet then bring comfort to women and children, just not men so much. So can you explain these dogs? Because they are trained to kill, but it’s more men. They won’t hurt women and children. They were great with you. Oh, I love that. They were not great with me, which I’ll explain in a second. I mean, they’re bloodline and they’re trained to be suspicious of all men. So it doesn’t matter if it’s a dog whisperer. It doesn’t matter if it’s a person on my team. I had one guy in a rack. He goes, oh, I’m going to, I’ll win this dog over. And I walked into our safe house one time, and my dog’s on his lap. And he said, see? And I went, she’s playing you. And sure enough, as Eileen and I walked up the stairs, and of course our dog followed, he tried to follow us up the stairs. My dog turned and would have just rearranged his organs. So I said, how about that bonding session down there? How’s that working for you?

[5:54] And he’s like, oh, my gosh. So, again, Tier 1 trained, Baden, B-A-D-E-N, K-9, They’ve donated all of our dogs to us. Oh, my gosh. Red, trained. And some of these dogs are like six figure. They’re unbelievably trained. And this is a godly group of family out of Canada that does this. So, anywhere we go, they serve as protection. And yet, if there’s a threat, you know, they’re one of our redundancies of security to make a person rethink what they would do. So yeah, so there’s sweet, sweet dogs, sweet dogs. Yes, they’re very sweet vector. They’re not. They’re very sweet. So on the way to your house, your sister tells me, Hey, listen, when we get here, Do not touch Victor. Don’t shake his hand. Don’t give him a hug until Victor tells you that you can touch him. I’m like, okay. So get out. And of course, Steph gives you a big hug. And I’m just like freaked out by these dogs, right? These dogs are like circling me. And then later that night, we go outside. We do.

[7:00] So sorry. Which was not good. I feel bad for this thing. Well, here’s the thing. Because Victor and Eileen went out of the house. We had just had dinner. You were getting ready to take us back to our hotel room. And you guys had left. And we’re like, oh, we’re supposed to follow them. So we grabbed our stuff. So we go out onto your deck. And all of a sudden, these dogs are coming up the steps. After me. After Kevin. Because they bypassed me. Like, I was in front of Kevin. They bypassed me. Yeah, you’re good to go. And they just start growling. Oh, man. Like this. And I did not understand these dogs at the time. I thought it was funny because dogs hate Kevin. And I’m like, well, here we go again.

[7:40] And Kevin’s like, Victor? Yes. And you gave a command or something. And they took off. And we’re like, oh, we’re OK again. So then I walk around the house. Yeah. We did. And these dogs are on the top step of your porch. Yes. And they are just ready to pounce off of this step. Yeah. All right? On me. And I’m like, hey, Victor, is anybody else seeing this besides me? It looks like these three dogs want to pounce on me right now. And you’re like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I totally see that. And then for some reason, I thought these dogs would have some type of fancy code to them, right? Command. Yeah. But your command is like, hello or something. Right. So you say, you accidentally say, I’m making this up. Howdy. And they just jump off of this porch coming at me. And apparently I do the worst thing possible. I get behind you and grab your shoulders to try to protect me. Yeah. That’s a no, no. Yeah. Yeah, that was a no-no. And then you are trying to shake me off. Like, stop touching me. You’re making it worse. But you’re laughing so hard, Victor. I was. You can’t say whatever command it is to stop them. So these dogs are just like circling me, circling me. And thankfully, they did not take anything out of my leg. Yeah. But you were laughing so hard. And of course, Steph is about peeing her pants laughing because she’s seeing me just freak out. Freak out. Yeah. I literally should check our cameras. We got 17 cameras on the property. And I’m like, that would be footage worthy of posting.

[9:10] And I was folks listen, we’ve never had a false bite or anything like that. And even when my dogs surround them, they, they would have bitten them. But when he grabbed my shoulders and his style started to talk to me, I’m literally going, no, no. Like we’re seeing worse thing ever. We’re seeing ever don’t make me your hostage.

[9:30] Because they’re gonna they’re gonna hurt your feelings but you’re right i was laughing so what i was thinking yeah yeah no not this so i jumped in a car just to escape and you finally got them like calm down did you jump in on top no i jumped in the car thankfully the doors were unlocked right it was the wrong vehicle yeah it wasn’t even your car it wasn’t even a car right it was the wrong vehicle i was just trying to get wise move so you drive us back to the hotel and you’re still laughing like you can’t hardly contain yourself laughing because that’s the closest you said it anyone knows you get bit by one of your killer dogs and you said listen on our on our property yeah yeah and you’re like listen this morning when i was praying about you guys coming to the compound here i prayed god please let there be joy today when kevin and stephanie here so here’s the thing next time we visit yes i’m going to ask you please when you pray for joy boy, please make it not at Kevin’s expense. Please. I’ll be very specific. I’ll be very, you know what? I forgot that I prayed that.

[10:34] And I had so much fun. And Eileen, too, because, you know, I mean, you guys know what we do at times is very heavy. Yes, it is intense. Yeah, heavy, heavy. And it was so refreshing. I mean, we love you guys to bits. And literally, she went to see y’all again. Again, I’ve got some TV series producer, big name coming next week. They want to try to figure out how they can make a TV series about us. I’m like, man, okay, if we do the reality show and we get couples in, y’all are coming. Yes. Right here. Right here. We will be there. Automatic good time. Yes. Steph showing up here. I’m totally there. 100%.

[11:19] All right, Steph, I’m going to test you again here. What is your favorite book of all time? Obviously, it’s the Bible, Kevin. Yes. Nailed it. Very good. This time you didn’t say the book we wrote called You Met Her Where. But it’s still a really good book. That is true. And it would make a great gift for friends or relatives on their birthday or for Christmas. Friends, you can order your copy of our book titled You Met Her Where at And we will make sure to personally sign a copy for you or whoever you want. And as always, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story. Here’s what I was thinking yesterday, Victor, as I’m preparing for this conversation with you, your home would be the worst possible home in the world to show up unannounced, right? Like if I’m a Christmas caroler and I’m showing up to your house, that is the worst possible home to show up unannounced because it is going to be a scene out of like someone trying to escape prison, right? Lights are going to come on. You’re going to release dogs. There may be shots fired at you. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, right? Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yes. So has there ever been a situation where someone showed up to your property unannounced and you’re like, oh, hey, sorry, my bad. Like it was completely innocent. Well, okay. So, you know, do you want me to get into this now? Because literally, since y’all came, someone tried to kill me here. Oh, no.

[12:46] This was horrible. You know, in our ministry, we help people. And when you help people, you risk a lot. There’s no way around it. And you guys, we have a trailer here. And there was a person in it. And when I walked by it, there’s a tinted privacy window. And when I walked by the person with a pistol inside shot at my head and it missed me by two fingers.

[13:17] And then they kept shooting. I got off the spot, drew my weapon and put it on him. And I really clearly heard, you know, the Lord say, don’t shoot him. I’m like, okay. And I moved for a different cover. It escalated where, you know, I’m trying to now, like, I’m not worried about being killed. Because if I’m that close and he didn’t hit me, obviously I got angels. Because they measured his first shot. It was 36 inches away. From you? From me. From the barrel to my head. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. He’s looking down. I can’t see him. Boom. Boom, he shoots, and it missed me. I came back to figure his round went through the window frame, which I got stuff in my eyeball, and it ended up being a five-and-a-half-hour standoff. Oh, my gosh. With SWAT, police, everything, drones, and he was arrested, and he’s been charged with second-degree attempted murder. And it’s a complicated, layered story. story um i believe all dangerous gentlemen should have the ability but it doesn’t mean you have to.

[14:27] Exercise right force or violence in every situation once i knew he couldn’t kill me he wasn’t a threat to me but i told my wife as i came to our house and opened the door and stood in the threshold and the sidewalk that led to that trailer i looked at eileen said babe this This guy is shooting at me. He’s fired multiple. She’s trying to be like, what? I said, there’s a shooter. I have my pistol out. And I said, if he comes down the sidewalk, I’m going to have to kill him. And it took her about a nanosecond to, like, because we’re home. We’re home. Our dogs weren’t on that particular spot. I just would have let them run in there and eat them up. So what we chose to do is call 911. I tried to talk him out, but they end up five and a half hours later, took him custody. Now, here’s what’s really sad. You know, I chose not to kill him because I felt like God said, don’t. And I was like, OK, justice will happen. Second degree attempted murder. He’s going to get possibly 20 something years unless he plea bargains here in Colorado. He rejects the plea bargain, which means it’s going to have to go to court. I’m like, I don’t have time for court and a trial. And then this is the worst part of it all. He was granted bail and he was able to get out of jail and.

[15:48] And when he went to another state with his girlfriend who bailed him out, he pulled out a shotgun and shot and killed her. He literally blew her face off, murdered. And then he then he was running from police. And I made a quick post. That’s the only time I was angry. Like, I was very angry. And I told him, come find me because I’ll make sure you never hurt anybody else again. And I’ll tell you, that was just another day in our life within the last year. Oh, Victor. So let me ask you this. Were you scared at all? Are you like, this is just how I live my life when I’m going on these missions, when I’m trying to rescue women and children? I’m focused. This is how I’m going to handle myself. What a great question. I would say this. is like in the moment i don’t know if it’s i’m missing some chromosome of fear or i actually just believe i am protected by god almighty until he says otherwise no it wasn’t fearful at all i wasn’t as a matter of fact the first round as i’m moving and drawing my weapon you know what i was thinking this is so bad i was thinking that’s not funny what are you trying to kill me on my own That’s not funny.

[17:07] So what does hit me later is after action report. Oh, yes. Like, you know, I went back and we measured the rounds, the distance from my head, the angle. And it hit me how intentional he was trying to kill me. And, you know, I got over it. I forgave him. I just said, God, I got to give up my right to hurt this guy. I’m not going to see vengeance on us. That’s yours. Victor, do you know if he was coming after you? Was he coming after Eileen? Or did it even matter who walked in front of that trailer?

[17:46] Yeah, we definitely think it was me. Okay. Because this individual had made a threat against me on social media. Oh, okay. While back. Here’s the thing, Steph. When you asked Victor if he was scared. Victor, I told Steph after we met you in person last year. Hands down you have to be probably the most confident person that i’ve ever met yeah right like meeting you in person you walk with a confidence not a cockiness right but a confidence like i know things and i remember asking you like okay when you walk into a room do guys try to test you or anything like that you’re like no but this is you this this is not normal you said every room we walk into you automatically judge okay can i kill everyone in here i’m like that never ever in the history of ever crossed my mind when i walk into a room but that’s what you think when you walk into a room and folks let me let me clarify i’m assessing uh male age figures who are capable football, including exits, windows, weapons of opportunity. Okay, just so everybody knows.

[18:57] Because I was like, Steph, we wouldn’t be able to go to church if that was me, if that’s how I thought every time I walked into a room. But that’s how confident you are, right? Yeah, for sure. You’re trained. You don’t get frazzled. Even when you’re getting shot at, you don’t get frazzled. You still remain calm, which is amazing. Well, I’m thankful to God, and I think because I was born in such dysfunction, and, being tortured as a kid, left for dead, abused, all this stuff, and 120-something visits to a trauma specialist. Yeah, I think it was God that helped me understand my identity as Him, and how my life’s here for a reason. So fear? Fear is a waste of time.

[19:42] Now, for viewers and listeners who are not familiar with your story, just real quick context, right? By the time you graduated high school, you’d gone to 14 schools. You had lived in 17 different homes. And you had an incredibly dysfunctional childhood. Can you give just the cliff notes, high-level version of what you had to deal with? And you just mentioned a couple things there.

[20:06] Yeah, well, you know, my mother and dad, we only sat down. My biological mom and I went and sat down one time for lunch together. I can’t remember. And it was later in life. And I said, hey, you’ve never told me, like, the circumstances when I was conceived. Boy, they started getting uncomfortable. And they were already divorced, they told me. And then they got back together. But between both of them, they said, you know, rosary beads. He put rosary beads down her throat and a pistol to her head. That was the night I was conceived. So i was conceived in just extreme violence and and my dad didn’t claim me he thought i was somebody else’s kid and my mother bless her heart comes from a very bad background and i mean my dad was putting a voice when was a kid so they didn’t even know what love was i i think she was 15 when they got married or something uh so yeah it was great instability uh she married six times but uh Sadly, she married a fellow who turned out to be a pedophile. And that was my stepfather, and that’s where the majority of my abuse came from. And he eventually went to prison, and he escaped.

[21:14] But, as God would have it, later in life, after I came to faith and I worked through a bunch of stuff, both my bride and I went to visit him when he was in the hospital dying.

[21:26] And that’s the biggest part of my story is giving up my right to hurt someone back for hurting me. And right there, man, I could have killed this dude. Right. And he would have deserved it. And God gave me a love for him. You know, folks, forgiveness, forgiveness doesn’t mean you trust somebody because unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping it destroys them, but it just destroys you inside. And that’s why I say, man, if I can endure this and God can give me ability to forgive if that guy is a kid. And then recently, this guy who just tried to put a round in me, he can help you forgive anybody in your life. Steph, what is one of the most asked questions we get about Tell Us a Good Story? Do I really get that excited? Besides that one. Oh, how do we get all these incredible guests? Correct. And some of our best conversations have been with guests who our listeners have reached out to us and said, you should talk to this person. To name just a few, Nick Vujicic, Coach Tom Ryan, Carol Moteca were all recommendations from our listeners. So if there’s someone you would like us to interview and think they might be a great fit for Tell Us a Good Story, please let us know at You don’t even have to personally know them. True. But do me a favor. Before you submit their names, please make sure they are still alive. That has actually happened, and it is super hard for me to find their contact information. But regardless, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[22:54] Well, Victor, this is episode 228 of Tell Us Good Story. And you were episode 173 about 15 months ago. So that was the first time we met you via Zoom, of course. Well, after that, that was one of the most popular episodes we’ve had, right? Is our conversation with you. And really, yes. And then since then, we get asked a lot or I have, hey, what’s Victor Marks like? Who is Victor What does he do? And there’s so many times I’m like, well, first off, he’s much funnier in person than what you see on video clips. Like when you meet him, he’s actually very silly, very funny. And it took me off guard. Like I didn’t, I didn’t realize that until I met Victor in person. But when they asked me, okay, but, but who is he? What does he do? I always tell him like, listen, he’s a highly dangerous person who, who uses his time to basically save children and women. in the most dangerous places around the country, around the world. And so are there any stories that you could share here about what you do about literally putting a mission together and go saving women and children?

[23:58] Y’all ready? Yes. Yes. You better put your seatbelt on because this and I will send y’all a private video and then y’all can do it what you want. But literally just about four months ago, I was trying to recover because we we went to Israel twice right after Hamas attacked. And then we went into Gaza and West Bank. We have like six thousand kids. We went twice and I saw the worst of stuff. Came back. I get a call and say, hey, boss, it’s it’s one of my team members. She says, we have a green light on a rescue in the Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, all that. It’s a young woman who got kidnapped as a young teenager. She’s been held for nine years. Oh.

[24:41] Nine years. Her family thinks she’s dead, but we found her. And we have been working on this rescue for six months. And when I get this call, it’s like, hey, it’s a green light. We got a window. It’s now. And man, I was just like, oh my gosh, we haven’t even caught a breath from, you know, multiple missions in Israel. So I told my wife, I said, babe, I gotta go. And she’s like, you go get her. And then I get a call back. It kind of got complicated because she had been a sex slave and had two little children. So two little boys. and then our team lead said we need a female who will go on the mission and be the first point of contact with her because she’s an ISIS garb it’s super dangerous so we need an operator a female operator.

[25:36] I told my wife, she said, let me pray. She prayed. She goes, I’m in. So we went and it was Eileen that actually made first point of contact with this gal. Here’s the thing that kind of just, this gives you insight to Eileen. Last minute prep, got a guy, you know, going over it again and again. We’ve got Ariel, we’ve got technology, we’ve got the, okay. And he goes, Eileen, if there’s a guy with her on that first point of contact, he’s ISIS. And if when you go to take her and the kids and anything like that, if he flinches, if he moves, if he looks at you weird, he said, draw you up and kill him. Just shoot him. And this was Eileen’s response. Okay. Wow. Just like that. Just, yeah. Even. Done. Because she’s already settled in her mind. If evil manifests and it requires stopping it to protect, defend, save lives, she has no problem. So I was just like, wow. So the mission really was phenomenal. We got them all the way back to our safe house. And we actually took footage of these two little boys. And the sweetest thing, this makes me emotional.

[26:51] The family thought she was dead. And we didn’t want to call them prior to the rescue. Because they said her father died of tears. So a broken heart. So we have her. we have the kids they don’t even know she’s alive much less has two children right oh my god when contacted the family we put them on the phone and they can’t believe it i mean they’re just like what and i remember he goes where are you she goes i don’t know because it’s night, And he goes, who are you with? She goes, I don’t know. They’re just Christians from America. And it’s sweet that our faith got recognized in what we were doing. But they, man, they cried. The reuniting was unbelievable.

[27:38] So, yeah, somebody asked me yesterday, like, so when you were doing rescues, like, was that when you were in your 30s and 40s? I was like, no, that was four months ago. right oh you know what victor here’s the thing victor i feel like here’s the thing victor the whole time we are with you the stuff you were like you were telling us these stories but then you told us some other stories that were like i can’t believe you’re telling us these stories i remember getting back in our hotel room and i’m like oh my gosh kevin this stuff exists right like Like you see it in movies and you’re like, no, that’s just like Hollywood. And then you start talking, Victor. And you know you’re not making this crap up. No. Like, oh my gosh. You’re like, this stuff is real. And you’re just like, it’s mind boggling. It’s crazy to me. The other thing is when people ask us what you’re like, Steph always says. He’s Rambo. He’s Rambo. He’s the real life. You think of Rambo? He’s the Christian Rambo. That’s what Steph tells everybody. He’s the real life Rambo. Kevin has this beautiful saying for you. I’m like, he’s Rambo. I’m like, he’s a dangerous man. You’re like, he’s Rambo. He’s Rambo. That’s all it is.

[28:49] Well, you know, that’s very kind. We need dangerous gentlemen in our culture right now. I just spoke to a group of men. And the question I asked them, I said, hey, look, in an honest assessment of yourself as a man, are you mission ready for whatever could happen? I dropped out of a hat. Where you live, where you are, are you physically ready, emotionally, and spiritually? For instance, do you have the strength to carry your wife from an accident or your kids from a burning house? There are certain physical things that men are responsible to be able to do. Look, medical, age, all that, I get it. But this group of men, some of them are very, very wealthy, like in the billionaire range, I think. And I said, some of y’all are just out of shape. Y’all are lazy. Fat. And they’re like, did he just, you know, I’m like, are you going to come take me off a stage? I speak like I’m never coming back. So trust me, I’m doing it in love.

[29:53] And the thing about it, I just said, you know, responsibility. Could you defend your loved ones? I don’t care what the culture says about effeminate men. And every woman wants a man that can provide and protect. And the provision can go different ways, but they want a man to protect.

[30:15] Them yeah i mean y’all are a great example you know you’re not going to jump out in front and try to stop somebody attacking you you’re going to be like you have to deal with my man right here and uh check his arms out back and neck he ain’t working out just to play tiddlywins pretty yeah so it matters right yeah yeah you know i love victor how you’re like you know you always You always need to be ready for battle. You always need to be prepared. And you made it so simple for somebody like Kevin. He’s not going on a mission or anything. To rescue somebody. Yeah, but take care of your body. Take care of your mental health, your spiritual health. So if there is a burning building or you have to protect your wife or your children, you are physically and mentally and spiritually ready. Where with you, you have to be all of that. But I remember the week before we got there, you had a mission to go on. and it was like you had this window and you and Eileen went, but you had even like your go bags. Like you’re just one step higher than everyone else where you’re not only capable in those three areas, but then you have your go bags where you can be gone in like an hour. Like I said, you guys, this is like Hollywood movie, but it’s Victor and Eileen Marks. This is their lives and it’s absolutely incredible.

[31:37] Well, Victor, for all of our guests, I like to give a list of fun facts to let listeners know what you’ve done, what you’ve accomplished. Oh, my. We went through a lot of fun facts about you in the first conversation, but I’ve got a few here that I want to bring up. Perfect. Fun fact number one, Victor is officially the world’s fastest gun disarmer. Yeah, he is. Which you know. Yep. He holds the record at .08 seconds. Now, while we’re in Colorado, I asked Victor if he would demonstrate this on me. Yes. Which he kindly did. it all right you weren’t you wanted it so bad i did i was actually looking for this i was like so bad why were there stuff i would like him to show me how this works yeah right however.

[32:16] After victor handed me a plastic training gun he said quote do not tense up while you’re holding this gun or i might break your arm we’re like so the entire time on the compound i’m in danger whether it’s by victor the dog the dog his wife is trained to kill like everybody is trained to kill like i’m in danger the whole time the whole time like be nice just be nice be nice to him so i appreciate the warning but can you share real quickly what led you to learn that skill of how to disarm someone so quickly yeah eight tenths of a second uh where somebody’s holding a pistol with a hammer back finger on the trigger i take the weapon from them pull the magazine out And I pointed back at them at eight tenths of a second the first video ever recorded It was me doing to a gang member and a youth president. My wife was recording it with a flip phone So the reason being and it’s like my first book the Victor March story The sub line is people admire you for your success, but the relate to you because of your pain.

[33:21] Yes, and The reason why I learned that is that seven years old my stepfather the abuse of one I spoke of he put me in a chair pulled out a pistol and he held it to my head and he would tap it on my head and he would say boy if you ever tell anyone what i’ve done to you i’ll blow your brains out and just tell the police you found my pistol and shot yourself i was seven and when you go through trauma you blot out a lot of things and it kind of bleeds through but i remember going.

[33:50] One day, one day, I will be so fast. No one will ever be able to hold a pistol to my head. And that was the driving factor. I give credit to Chuck Norris. I learned the principle from him. And then I just learned how to speed it up to where it’s now. It’s still the world record. And it’s been seen over a billion times. Not only the single, but there’s a double with a pistol in front of me and a guy in the back. And I disarm them both. so it’s it’s yeah two weapons i remember when he was like don’t hold it too like tightly you know i could break your arm but at the same time he did this other move where we were looking like or working on self-defense oh he just smacked me all over the place annihilated you yes but he doesn’t know how strong he is that’s the thing i’m sorry about six years old you don’t realize your strength right like i apologize i think i actually had to tell you like hey can you like Like, ease off just a little bit because you are beating me senseless over here. But you were. And you’re like, oh, sorry. My bad. I kind of was. Steph, he doesn’t know his own strength. You have no idea how strong you are. Even when you’re trying not to be strong, you’re still so strong. Whoopsie.

[35:03] Okay, Steph. Next fun fact. Okay. Last year, right before we had met Victor, he spoke down in Florida at Mar-a-Lago. Yes. In front of President Trump.

[35:12] So, question. Where were you when you heard there was an assassination attempt on President Trump? And what were your thoughts after seeing footage of how that took place? Yeah, well, when I was in Colorado Springs, and as soon as I heard and saw, the first thing that came to mind is there had to be some extremely poor leadership in the Secret Service to allow this to happen. And then one of our teammates put together a simulation of the whole ground aerial everything and, And we just went, whoa, whoa. Really? Yeah. I didn’t go right to conspiracy because I’ve been interviewed on different programs. And I just said, gross negligence is not hard to believe at all. Because they knew the kid was on the grounds for half an hour. Right. Yeah. Right. They’re texting. They’re calling. And I said it. I go, they probably didn’t have the same radio frequency. And they didn’t. But I will say this. And I congratulate the sniper who put a round through that kid’s head. Sorry, that’s the way he had to go, but he needed to go. And that’s a great example. Some people just need to be shot. He’s killing people. But without good leadership, good men and women won’t be able to do their job effectively. And again, they would have stopped him a lot sooner, had leadership in the right places, given a green light to engage. age.

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[37:09] All right, Steph, final fun fact here. Victor is the founder of All Things Possible Ministries, an organization that exists to identify, interrupt, and restore folks who have been affected by trauma. He’s also written multiple books, including his most recent titled The Dangerous Gentleman. So Victor, can you tell us more about that book and also where folks can get it yeah the book can be bought anywhere bookstores amazon it’s on audio now and digital i wrote the book because of my concern for the lack of what i would call moral masculinity in america and i love women a married one but their role is not to be the masculine protector and take the hardest roles in in our society so i think there’s been an intentionality to weaken our Our nation, by intentionally going after young men, fathers are out of the houses.

[38:05] And I just felt called as an older lion to reach out and give the tools needed for young lions who really want to become more masculine, more equipped to live by hope and inspiration. Not excuses, not letting anything stop them from becoming all that God wants them to be and really who he made them to be. You know, there’s so much fear in our culture. And just put courage in young men because we need them. And there’s no one else coming. It’s them. Well, listeners, for more information about Victor or to help support his ministry, you can go to his website,

[38:47] Also, his Instagram is at Victor Marks. Please go to any of those sources to get his new book, The Dangerous Gentleman. And we’ll put links in our show notes on our website so you can click on those and go right to those websites. And you guys, I just want to encourage you, if you ever want to give to an organization.

[39:06] This is the organization to give to. They walk the walk. They talk the talk. They are actually out there using your money to help women and children. So I just want to encourage you guys, if there is ever a time to give money to a faith-filled Christian organization, this is one to do it. And also, Victor, I want to publicly thank you, right? Right. Because last year we came out to your home and you invited us out there, which was very nice. And what happened was we’d had this conversation with you. And at the end, you invited us out. And I thought you were just being kind. Yeah. Right. I thought it was like people when they invite you out to eat. Hey, we should go to eat sometime. It’s like, yeah, sure. We should do that. And then your assistant, like two days later, emails me and said, hey, do you have any availability in August? And I was like, oh, he’s serious. He wasn’t kidding. He wasn’t just being nice. Like he legitimately wanted to meet us. And so we went out there and after a few hours, you were like, listen, y’all stop thanking me for getting you a bottle of water. I don’t think you realize this, but you’re like part of my family now. Like if you ever need anything, text me, call me, I’m here. And there’s been multiple times, Victor, over the past year where I’ve texted you or ask you something or sent you a message. And every time you have followed up with a response, like very quickly, actually.

[40:23] And I just want to publicly thank you for how you’ve treated Steph and I over the past year. So thank you. Well, it’s very kind for you to say that. And there’s nothing that can be done in this world apart from one word, relationship.

[40:39] Everything’s based on relationship. And for you guys, I see God’s hand on y’all. Your miraculous story, which is a movie in itself. And I just believe that we’re better for knowing y’all. And you’ve checked up on me too. And I’m grateful for that. So friendships, relationships matter. And I’m grateful to be able to call y’all friends. God bless you, sir. We love you, Victor. Love y’all, too. God bless y’all. Friends, we want to encourage you to please follow us wherever you listen to this, whether it’s on the Apple Podcasts app, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or one of the other platforms. You guys, it’s completely free. And while you’re there, feel free to give us a rating or a nice review. Thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.