Here is part 2 of our fifth episode conversation, where Kevin + Steph share stories with their friend, Adam Bennett, and Steph’s sister, Katie Keller Schnetzer. This conversation includes Kevin + Steph discussing this year’s family vacation to Myrtle Beach, how Kevin had to make the trip separately, AND how Steph volunteered Kevin to sit through NOT one but TWO timeshare presentations!

Also, what happens when the Mason kids get on the go-cart track? Apparently, It means get ready to watch a NASCAR fight! 

BONUS: This is part 2 of the conversation. You can listen to part 1 here

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[0:00] Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of Tell Us a Good Story. Today is a continuation of our fifth episode from last week, where it’s Steph and I sharing our own stories with you and some of our closest friends. And this conversation is part two with our friend Adam Bennett and Steph’s sister, Katie Keller Schnitzer. Okay, you guys, this conversation is so funny. We share a few new Mason vacation stories from this year, including how competitive I get when playing games, even if it’s with our kids. That’s true. And we talk about how my wife here signed me up to sit through not one, but two timeshare presentations on our vacation. And I am convinced they are the worst thing ever. And Kevin brings up some fun stories about how Katie and I treat each other on our birthdays. You guys, we can’t wait for to hear part two of our conversation with Adam Bennett and my sister, Katie Keller Schnitzer.

[0:52] I’m Kevin. And I’m Stephanie. And during our marriage, we have dealt with an electrocution, a brain tumor, brain surgery. Then doctors telling us that children were not in our future, followed by miscarriage, and then Kevin’s cancer diagnosis. However, today, we live a life completely healed and restored with three healthy children who doctors said were not possible. And we’re here to tell stories that inspire, give hope, and brighten your day. Welcome to… Tell Us a Good Story. Okay, friends, before we get to this episode, just a friendly reminder to please hit the subscribe button on YouTube and Apple podcast or give us a review five stars, please. In our world, this is super, super important, because it will help with the algorithm to make it easier for people to find us. And thank you for sharing our posts across your social media that really helps with engagement and with us getting guests. Yes. So hey, if you want us to keep working our way up to talking to Chip and Joanna. Yes! Please share us with your friends. But regardless, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story. We had the opportunity to celebrate our oldest daughter’s 13th birthday. 13. Okay, but let’s talk about the difference between how you treat Katie’s birthday and how you treat my birthday. Let’s talk about that. Okay. I like it. I quite enjoy the way you treat me on my birthday.

[2:15] Okay, so this year, though, we have a birthday a week apart. I would like to interject before he tells the story. He has ruined birthdays for me. Ruined them. I love birthdays. You do love birthdays. I love Christmas. I love giving gifts. I feel like I’m very good at it. Like, I would be so excited about giving him a gift. I’m like, here you go. And he’s like, Huh? I’ve gotten better about that. I’ve gotten better about that. He has over 20 years. He has ruined. It’s almost like at the very beginning when we were dating, I would give him gifts and he wasn’t used to like this kind of gift. Yeah. Yeah. So I would give him gifts and he’s like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing. Like you are welcome. Like I’m so excited. But as he’s progressed in his professional career, he’s been able to buy himself his own things. and he buys lots of presents for himself. We’ve talked about that on previous episodes. We have. So when I try to get him something, he’s just like, oh. I don’t remember doing that. It’s the way you act. And you’re like, do you still have the receipt for this? And I’m like, oh. You lead with that? Yeah. It’s just great. And you got a receipt, right? I don’t remember that. Has it been longer than 30 days since you purchased this? Yeah. He has absolutely ruined it. Has this been in the washing machine yet?

[3:37] You didn’t pull the tags off these yet did you so he’s ruined it so now i would like you to tell his story so this year uh-huh steph handed me a bag a week early and just told me to try on some clothes okay and no no no you are ruining this story no yes that is exactly what happened i went shopping and then i’m trying to think like kevin what would kevin say he would say oh if i would I would have given these on his birthday, because his birthday’s August 1st, because I’m assuming he’s not gonna like anything. Right? He’s like, oh, if I would have gotten them earlier, I could have put them on the last billing cycle. I’m thinking that way. That is way Kevin would think. Yes! Yeah, last month, I went shopping. I’m like, do you need them wrapped, or would you like them on your birthday? Just give them to me now. Here they are. Yeah. So there you go. That was a birthday present in itself that I was thinking financially. Yes. Because I know he wants to return most of these gifts. Yes. You are welcome. That was such a great gift. You’re welcome. Thank you. You’re welcome. So she hands me this bag. It has clothes. Let’s see what we try on. Yeah. On our dresser, though, is this humongous birthday bag with a very special card, birthday card on top of it. Okay. For some reason, I thought that was for me.

[4:56] It was not. It was for this woman over here. So we get to August 1st. And typically, Steph’s going to leave a card for me somewhere. Whether it’s on the bathroom mirror, in my car, or whatever. He’s got to find it. And she did not do that this year. I thought the birthday card for me was on top of that bag. I thought she just put them together. So in the day, I walk over. I’m like, oh, here’s the birthday card. Open it up no it’s happy birthday to sis here had nothing to do with me so i didn’t get a card i did not get a card and when my birthday was on what a sunday i think this year maybe sunday okay my gosh i couldn’t remember that well the following sunday we celebrated katie’s birthday because later so steph of course gives katie her birthday gifts and then the monday after your your birthday i open up my desk drawer that i open up once a month right oh she hit and there was my birthday card from her thinking that i open up my drawer every day oh i would his i don’t staple something every day i don’t write a check every day whatever’s in there i i get once a month maybe right i don’t check it that often i didn’t say it was there it was very nice it was It was very nice.

[6:13] But that week after my birthday, of course we celebrate Katie’s birthday at your mom’s house. And afterwards, I just took a few notes, right? Because typically when you ladies are in the same room, excitement happens, right? You’re game show excited. So I took a few notes while we were there at your mom’s house. First note being, how many times your mother yelled at you to use your inside voices? That was recent? Last month. Well, I did have you turn my headphones down. You did make a painful face, too, when you were like, turn it down. It was a wince, yeah. Turn it down. My ears are bleeding. So multiple times, your mother’s yelling at you to use your inside voice. What is this, OzFest? It’s very true. The next thing is how Katie yelled at her children to get over here and sing to me.

[7:06] Because it’s your birthday. your ice cream cake was in front of you and you wanted to blow out the candles and your boys aren’t getting into the room fast enough and so you’re yelling at them, Get in here and sing to me. You know what? Because as a mom, it’s never about you. No, it’s not. It is never about you. Even on Mother’s Day, it’s not about you. No, because you’re then preparing food for somebody else. Yes. And you want to do that. Yes. But it’s still not about you. Yes. So when they were not beside me for me blowing out my candles, I was like, you get in here right now. You honor me. Honor me. Yes. We got this scene from Orphan Annie. Get in here and sing to me. Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what it was. Get in here and sing to me. And smile. Now. And then you hug me and give me kisses.

[7:56] Pretty much. Of course, no porridge for you. One of the best, though, was that this year was, was it your 40th when you did a trip together? Yes, in Epcot. Was that two years ago? Yes, you went to Epcot. But you opened up the gift in front of your kids. Yes. And so you’re excited because you’re going to Disney World. Yes. Your boys get excited and start celebrating we’re going to Disney World. And then you ladies inform the kids, Hey, none of y’all are going to Disney World. You’re not. Your moms are. That is a clutch. And they’ve never been. And they never did. Wow. In fact, you know what? Kids, on that day, you have flu shots scheduled. Yay. Immunity. That was so romantic, right? Your youngest Alex is like, we’re going to Disney. And you’re both like, I’m sorry, no. Your mom and aunt are going to Disney. We are going to Disney. Not you. That’s good. That will make them emotionally strong. It will. That’s actually… They’re going to appreciate that later on. I’m going to plan something like that soon. I’m going to get a puppy and then I’m just going to open up the box and be like, we are watching this for a friend! Something like that.

[9:06] They’re like, listen kids, you made it through this.

[9:16] Dog needs to be euthanized Oh, no. Adam. Awful. No, Adam. No. No. Too far, Adam. No, no, no. I don’t know if i went as far as you guys did with the disney thing i’m still gonna say the only thing you didn’t do was pull up mouse ears and put them on their head and then slap Slap them off. Bam. Not for you. Not for you. Oh, man. No, actually, better than slap them off. You just take them off there and put them on your own. It’s a small world after all. I mean, it was such a backhanded thing, right? I didn’t even think about it. And it wasn’t intended to be. I was not expecting that. It truly wasn’t. I was not expecting the kids to get excited thinking they were going to this thing. I wouldn’t have thought that they wouldn’t have known. For them to find out in that moment was cruel. What kid doesn’t realize their parents are going to Disney without them? For the food and wine festival, Adam. I would have had to have seen the graphic on the card to make a judgment, but as of now, I’m judging as if you had Mickey walk in. Sorry, dude. Oh, boy, you’re staying home.

[10:36] All right, Steph, I’m going to test you again here. What is your favorite book of all time? Obviously, it’s the Bible, Kevin. Yes. Nailed it. Very good. This time you didn’t say the book we wrote called You Met Her Where. But it’s still a really good book. That is true. And it would make a great gift for friends or relatives on their birthday or for Christmas. Friends, you can order your copy of our book titled You Met Her Where at And we will make sure to personally sign a copy for you or whoever you want. And as always, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[11:07] All right, Steph, let’s talk about Myrtle Beach. Let’s do it. Let’s do our vacation story. Just a couple of vacation stories. Again, I’m taking notes on living life here with Steph, and I’ve got a lot of notes from Myrtle Beach, but we’ll just share a few here. Okay. All right. So the first thing is, this year, we are leaving at 4 a.m. On a Friday to get to Myrtle Beach at two o’clock. Usually two. Two o’clock. That’s the best time for us we found to leave. Early morning like that, missed traffic, all of that. So been the best time. However, I had a lot of deadlines with a particular client that I had. I got maybe two hours of sleep and then I slept, I think maybe from 10 PM to midnight and then worked from midnight to 4 AM and I still didn’t have it done. So I’m tired.

[11:54] I’m frustrated because this is a lot of work I still have to do. Your mom’s here at 4 AM because she’s going to Myrtle Beach with us. And I’m like, Steph, can you give me just another hour? And you’re like, no, we’re done. on my mom and I are taking off if I have to drive I have to drive yeah and so you’re like you know what if you got to fly down terminal beach do it so then I look online I’m like okay it’s actually it was like I think 130 bucks for a flight down I’m like done you know what so be it let me keep working here get it done I’ll fly thank god you did because you worked for how long yeah at least four hours not an hour now that would have been awful if you’re just staring at him uh-huh would Let’s go wrap it up. And it would have been, I wouldn’t have got it done very quickly with the anxiety of, okay, I gotta get this done. I gotta get this done, right? There’s no way. So the only difference was the difference between leaving at 4 a.m. Or 8 a.m.? Well, that’s probably what it would have been. I was telling her, can we leave at five for me to try to wrap this up? Well, it ended up taking even longer, right? Because it’s frustrating. I thought it was longer than four hours. Yeah, but that was by yourself too, like you said. That was you in a quiet house. That’s true. That’s true. The kids were on me, all of that, right? So thankfully I got it done. So I booked a flight for that Friday night to fly down to Myrtle Beach. Okay. On the way there, right? I’m through TSA. And again, I’m always observing. And the funny thing is, I mean, airport’s a great place to people watch. Okay. So the woman behind of me.

[13:22] In the TSA line, we get through. And typically, a lot of times, it’s going off on me. And so, it feels like I’m always getting patted down. So, I remember I was so excited that I did not set the machine off, right? I didn’t have to get patted down. The woman behind me gets through, and I look at the picture. She’s got a red square on her groin and a red square on her rear end. Oh. And she’s like, not again.

[13:48] So, TSA’s like, man, come over here. and they’re having to, like, pat her down. Both sides. I’m like, is she carrying something?

[13:57] Feminine hygiene. You’re, like, just sticking around. You’re like, I kind of want to see this. Because I’m thinking, like, that’s the worst. That’s the worst. Like, nothing else went off except a red square on the front of her and the back side of her. I’m like, oh, my gosh. I’ve never seen this before, but that has my attention. So I’m watching, and she gets done, and she comes over and stands beside me as we’re waiting for our luggage to get through. through and I go, hey, that was a rough one. And she goes every time she’s like, and then I should not have said anything because then she starts sharing details. She’s like, oh, well, I had surgery a couple of years ago. And I’m like, oh, and like, how can I get out of this conversation immediately? So finally she stops talking. And then I look to my left and there’s another guy there and we’re laughing at the things that are going off, right? Because the one guy has a bag and like, whose bag is this? And the guy raises his hand. And so they go over the side, pull out We bought a can of pop, right? And the guy’s like, oh, you can’t take that? You can’t take that here? We’re like, no, you can’t take a can of pop. Not since 2020. And you’re back there. Yeah. Or 2001. 2001, yeah. So we’re laughing because he’s acting all surprised. Like, why can’t I bring that through? And so the guy’s like, the last time I came through here, I was with my seven year old dad. We are going through this TSA. We go through the thing, and it beeps on my dad. I’m like, oh, what is this? He had a pocket knife in his pocket. I can’t bring this in. I can’t bring this in. And his dad’s like, what do you mean I can’t bring it in? It’s insane.

[15:23] Technically, it’s a bayonet. It goes on the end of the rifle I have in my duffel bag.

[15:29] And so his dad is acting surprised, like, I can’t believe they’re on TSA. I thought this was America. I thought this was America. He’s like, Dad, when in the history of Edward have you been allowed to bring a knife in an airport?

[15:46] Never. It’s been a while. So finally, I get to the gate. And they start announcing, hey, this is a packed flight with Southwest. We are actually overbooked by one. Is there anybody who would volunteer to give their seat? Like the person who just bought their ticket an hour ago. by themselves. Yes, because his impatient wife wouldn’t stick around for him. It probably was me. It probably was. It had to be me. I didn’t even think about that. Yeah, it probably was me. I overbooked it. So they’re overlooked by one. Okay, so they’re asking for people to give up their seat in this fight. They’ll give you a voucher. No one volunteers. And I’m like, you know what? But it was what, 7 o’clock, Steph? I was leaving maybe 7 o’clock at night. I was going to get there at 10 o’clock. And I thought, okay. Everyone’s asleep. Yep, everyone’s asleep. I was like, you know what? The kids aren’t going to see me anyway until tomorrow morning. Yep. And Steph really is not that excited to see me anyway. True that.

[16:56] We haven’t had enough time. There hasn’t been enough. Time has passed. Since she wasn’t answering any of my phone calls on her way down to Myrtle Beach earlier today. We ended up calling mom. I was like, are you going to answer that? She tried to cancel the credit card I used to buy the tickets. It was kind of interesting. Put a fraud alert on it. Anything to allow me to go down there. Canceled all my cards.

[17:26] Filed a police report on me.

[17:32] So so i go up to the desk because i didn’t see anybody anybody joined and that’s funny yeah because it probably was me yeah that was the reason it was 100 yeah had to be me so i said hey is that offer still valid like yes we are still waiting on someone we’re overbooked by one i’m like okay what would i get they’re like we will give you a 1200 voucher and i go okay what What does that mean? Does that mean I can go on a flight somewhere up to $1,200? Like, no, that means we give you a gift card. For $1,200, however many flights you can book on that, it’s yours. And I go, seriously, yep, like use it within a year. But yeah, you have, it’s $1,200 on us. And I’m like, okay, when’s the next flight to Myrtle Beach? Like tomorrow morning at 9.30. I’m like, okay, book me on that. Yeah, you’re like, yes. I’m like, yes, let’s go ahead and do that. My wife is going to talk to me. Yes, I do the math real quick. I’m like, okay, that’s like $150 an hour they’re paying me to delay my flight. In fact, overbook that next one too.

[18:36] So they they give me the voucher okay and they say and by the way for you doing this we’ll allow you to board first with the veterans and all that so you will get you get first pick yes oh and that’s never happened because i am always in the sea which means center aisle getting on their flights okay so i’m like super excited this first time ever okay so they go go through it and the guy like puts his hand over his ear. He’s like, I’m getting a message. Hold on. Okay. All right. So we already offered that to you. Here’s your voucher. However, you still may be able to get on this flight because the one person that we’re waiting on has not showed up. They did check in. However, they’re not here. So you might be able to get on this flight. So hang tight. Oh my gosh, this would be amazing. So I wait for 15 minutes and they boarded and I go up, I go, Hey, did that person show up? They’re like, they have not yet. And then all of a sudden I hear this senior citizen wait wait I’m coming I’m coming I’m like too late put your foot out so close he’s got a knife.

[19:41] Justin actually gets detained for like 10 minutes so he passed out that’s fine the way his hip is he’s not getting up quickly from that, so I was so close to actually getting on the same plane so they’re like we’ll see you in the morning Okay, great. So then I leave, get an Uber back to our house, and then come home. I’m like, man, it is quiet here. Oh, my gosh. It’s weird. It is weird being at our house and just by myself, right? So I watched a movie, and I was able to have the remote control to myself, which was amazing. Let’s be honest. He always has the remote control to himself. You pee with the door open? It’s awesome.

[20:25] Adam, speaking of that, that reminds me. Yes, this happened the other night. I’m going to the bathroom at night. Steph had fallen asleep and I had not fallen asleep yet. It was like midnight. I have the lights on in the bathroom, going to the bathroom like a man would. Steph wakes up, comes in the bathroom, and immediately turns the lights off in the bathroom while I’m peeing. And now I’m peeing in pitch black dark. She’s like, your light is keeping you awake. You’re flying blind. Yes. I’m such a sensitive sleeper. And I’m like, Steph, I’m peeing. And then you get mad at me. You’re like, why aren’t you sitting down and peeing? I’m like, honey, because I can. That’s why. I’m not. Because I can, honey. That’s why I’m standing up in pain. I can’t do it in the dark. I don’t have a set of instruments I can use. I need to visually see what I’m doing here. I don’t have an altimeter and all this stuff.

[21:22] So yeah, she was mad at me for standing up in pain. With the lights on. She was not mad at you standing up. She’s mad at the light wiping her away. Wait, because she was about to wake up in probably an hour. Katie, the door was shut. She doesn’t like that little bit underneath the door. Cody’s like that. She doesn’t like the little bit of light underneath. Yep, she can see the light through the crack, baby. Wakes me up. Oh, my gosh. Check when the kids left the light on. Shut it down. I’m like, yeah, they’ll do that. Yes. So anyhow, yes, I was able to go to the bathroom that night with no issues, which was nice. Okay. So next morning, I show up, and I am super excited because I get to board first. That has never happened before. So all of a sudden I’m looking around and I’m like, there’s a lot of handicapped people here. There is a whole lot. So. Like a plane full? Yes. I mean, so much so I started to count because you have someone in a wheelchair and then older family members get to board with them. How many people do you think boarded in front of me that were considered handicapped with their family? And I was supposed to be, I was supposed to board first. How many people? With their emotional support dogs and stuff.

[22:29] Any idea? I know. I know the answer. 12. How many, Kitty? I’m going 35. 21. 21 people boarded before me, and I’m like, I’m not trying to be insensitive here. But go ahead. I have voucher, people. I have voucher. Maybe this guy’s left hand is back up or something because he’s walking just fine. He walked up to customer service like, I’m sorry, Sorry, did the U.S. Paralympic team charter this flight to take them? Because I had a voucher. Yeah, I don’t understand what’s going on. I have my emotional support emu with me. Can I get to the front of the line as well? Wait, do you know what an emu is? I do. What is it? It’s like an ostrich. Oh, somebody’s been doing flashcards. Boom. He’s been watching those commercials. He’s been watching those commercials. Lemu emu. Do they still let all the animals on the plane? They haven’t flown in like a couple years. I don’t know. I don’t know. It looked like Jumanji one of the times I was on there. Everybody had their emotional support. Really? You know, dog, cat, whatever. Monkey. Jumanji.

[23:36] So I get on the plane, and thankfully, I got a great seat, which was, again, first time ever. And a dad gets on with his kids and his wife, and he did something that I will do here on out. So he’s walking through. He sees an open seat with a woman there, and he’s like, excuse me. Um can one of my kids sit with you and then goes to put the kid in and she’s like uh uh and he’s like i’m just teasing and then just kept walking but the look on her face when he’s like can one of my kids sit with you and the kid’s like four years old i’m like that is awesome like i posted i’ll have him like yes i am totally gonna do that with tate he gets airsick here you go, He likes stories and loves to talk. Loves to talk. Loves talking. Yes.

[24:26] So get to Myrtle Beach. And one of the days, I go in to grab lunch. And Steph stays out there with the kids and all of that. And I’m not the pool five hours in a row. You can be. You can be out there all day. I’m not. So I go in for lunch. And Steph is very competitive, which we can talk about this. That’s how she got in that Hall of Fame. That’s right. Anyway, loser, she pushed out of her way to get that spot. So Steph is competitive. So I come back out after lunch, and apparently Steph was in some type of ring competition in the pool against other adults. Okay. What competition? A ring competition. Is that right, Steph? Diving for rings. That’s my girl. When I went back to the room, okay, she apparently won the competition. And so then I started asking her details in the kids details what happened well here’s what emmy told me okay the first thing that her mother did was she went over to our kids grabbed one of their goggles put it on and jumped in the pool so like okay i’m gonna need these i’m gonna need these i’m gonna need these were you the only were the only adult with goggles i was not you weren’t no other other adults had been ripping being off their kids’ goggles too. Really? Yep. Okay. But she had flippers. And a mermaid tail.

[25:51] In it to win it. So then I was informed Steph actually won the competition in the pool against adults. Tate was not happy. Apparently Steph won a trophy. Is that right? Yep. And you gave it away. I did. Who’d you give it away to? A mentally handicapped person.

[26:10] Yes. And that apparently did not make our son very happy. He wanted to keep the trophy. He was like, no. Well, because I think Elle and Emmy had won a trophy because they had done diving for rings. So then I told him I was doing this for him. I was going to win the trophy. I almost drowned. I was losing oxygen, but I was trying to fight for these rings because I knew Tate wanted the trophy. So I got it. And then the guy beside us, like they had given me the trophy. And then they’re like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. hey, we might have somebody who has more. And I was holding the trophy and I look and all the adults were handing their rings to the other kids. So he started having like this pile of rings. So then I gave my rings and then we handed the trophy. Were you like, and then walked over and handed the trophy? Maybe. But no. Only on the inside. The only reason, I’m so happy to do it, but I just knew little man, he saw me holding the trophy. He was like, that’s my trophy. That’s my, like, you know, at that time, a six-year-old wouldn’t know. He doesn’t get it. But I was like, sorry, buddy. He’s like, Mom just gave away my trophy. So I made him a milkshake later. But you got a milkshake! Not as bad as that Disney trip you yanked out for the kids.

[27:28] Life’s full of disappointments. We’re teaching them young, Adam, the way you taught us. So then for the first time, we took our kids to the go-kart track. And before we went to the go-karts, we did an arcade with the kids. And we haven’t really done that before okay so we were in the arcade there and steph decided she wanted to play mario kart with the kids all right so she gets super excited and naturally loud in this arcade as soon as this game starts okay so she’s screaming well and this this game all four of us had our own steering wheels had our own steering wheels okay so i’m in this yeah right everybody’s going down everyone’s going down what a couple of times all three kids were ahead of me and i’m like how was this happening so i was like freaking out but then all of a sudden i started like checking them off checking them off checking what character were you i can’t even remember toad can’t even remember so i recorded it for the first 10 seconds took a couple pictures and i was done right well steph apparently has this amazing comeback beats all three of our children.

[28:36] Screaming sounds like code yeah screaming in excitement inside this arcade hands are raised i’m jumping up and down high fives oh losing it yeah then she turns and gets mad at me because i had stopped recording so i did not get it on video her beating these kids because i only did He did like the first 10 seconds. And it’s not something he wants to remember.

[29:05] So the kids are mad because they lost their mom. I think Tate was crying. Yeah. She was three inches away from his face. How’s it feel? Okay. Then their mother makes them go outside and stand on the victory. Podium. Yeah. First place. And Steph stands on the first place. Then Emmy. Then Elle. And then Tate is off the platform. And he’s like. Not on the podium. Oh, he is not happy. Oh, he was so not happy. That makes him be in the picture. He’s not happy at all. Tate, you’re in the picture, but you didn’t even play. Oh. But I need you to stand here. So you remember that you did play, but did not play. Because if you’re not in the picture at all, 20 years from now, I might think maybe he was in the bathroom. Exactly. No, he participated. He was there. Yes. Oh, my gosh. So then we do the go-karts.

[30:03] And same thing. the kids first experience ever right they really i don’t know if they’ve driven anything ever at this point so were they big enough to drive all of them there were different tracks yes there were different tracks so tate was on a certain track and then the girls could ride other tracks there was there was a lot there yeah that’s wonderful okay so tate goes first and he’s all by himself there’s no one else so he’s basically doing like a practice round yeah by himself and then he gets It’s off the track and he loved it, but he didn’t want to go again until there was somebody else with him. Yeah. So come to find out it was because he wanted to beat somebody else. He wanted to win. He wanted to win. Amen, he did. So he did not go back to race again until there were multiple kids.

[30:45] So finally, there are multiple kids in line. He’s like, let’s go, dad. And so we go over there and he gets in. They take off and says he is swerving left, right, left, right. He does not want anybody passing him at all. left right left right left right and there was one kid that was super fast but i mean we didn’t teach him anything we didn’t tell him anything and he’s not letting anybody pass him but he was really good he did if you guys remember last year when that other guy would not let me pass he was tate tate was him i would not have been happy but he did a good job yeah six years old first time out there it was really funny okay so then the girls go and again we don’t know how this is going to be based on the personalities we can guess. So Emmy was cautious being the first child, the rule follower, all of that. She’s going slow, trying to kind of get her bearings. And Elle just takes off. She’s pushing people into the wall. Elle is Danica Patrick. She takes off just smoking everybody, laps Emmy, and then lets Emmy know about it when they’re done. So then we go to a different track in round two. Emmy goes first l is trying to pass her and goes inside lane emmy runs her into the wall.

[32:03] Runs out into the wall is furious caution flag comes out yeah she spins out everybody fly you know flies past her and then caution flag and they go over they gotta back her out she’s she’s furious yeah all they threw down to be like nascar where they’re just okay that’s what it almost turned into so i think she hit the steering wheel and then she finishes it last right because everybody had passed her and stuff gets out as soon as she gets out of the car she comes out the look on her face i thought she was going to take a swing at her sister yeah i’ve never seen her this mad i’ve never seen this mad i had to step in before she got to emmy because i literally think it was going gonna be a nascar fight yeah no joke it was she was because i i was recording my phone like as she’s coming i’m like oh wait i’m turning this off i’m turning this off because i’ve got to step in here and calm her down she was so mad she’s about to throw down she was totally not good four years younger she was getting ready to throw down with her older sister she was that mad that was me and you it totally was you and i absolutely but then i think the most fun part of the trip had to be Steph here volunteering me to sit through not one but two timeshare presentations. Oh.

[33:25] Those are awful. I have not sat through one of those in Those are awful. 15 years. I can’t believe they still exist. They absolutely do. They do. Okay. So the first one, I sat with your mom. Yes, which was very kind of you. And we appreciate that so much. I timed it. That one lasted four hours and 35 minutes.

[33:45] Oh, jeez. It started at 9 a.m., I believe, or 8.30. You were like, Dad, and you started your watch. That’s not a presentation. That’s an interrogation. It’s pretty much, yeah. And then the next day, I get to go with this lovely lady to another timeshare presentation. Okay, let me. Here’s the thing, people. They stopped her when we were at Broadway on the Beach, and they promised her a bunch of gifts, and you fell for it. Okay, I got tickets to a Cirque du Soleil show. Okay. It wasn’t Cirque du Soleil, but it’s a Cirque du Soleil type show. Yes, thank you. So he’s like, hey, I could give you blah, blah, blah. I’m like, no, I’ll give you this. No, I’ll give you this. No, I’ll give you this. No. And then at the end, I was like, oh, that’s a lot of stuff. Like he was going to give me a free cruise. He was going to give me free tickets so the kids could go on the rides. That’s like over $100 there, the free cruise. Then he was giving me cash, like a hundred dollars cash. And then he was going to give me something else. And I was like. Well, Kevin and I were having our 20th anniversary this year. We’re like, with Kevin’s voucher from the plane, now the cruise, like that would pay for our anniversary trip. We’re like, God, is this you? Is this what’s happening? No, it wasn’t. No. But I went to find Kevin. It was the devil.

[35:06] Well, I went to find Kevin. I said, Kevin, this is the deal. You got to say yes or no to this. Because I’m not, like, I’m okay either way. I’m like, yeah, let’s do it. I’m like, okay.

[35:17] So we ended up booking it. you know got everything so we have to show up to this presentation go ahead so we start at 9 a.m and like it’ll be two hours i’m like we’ve heard this before please promise me it’s two hours i just sat through four and a half hours yesterday so we’re standing in line and there’s a ton of people there a lot of people in line and of course steph whips out her scottish accent, while we’re in line and i’m like steph to make this a little bit more enjoyable for me can you please use your Scottish accent this entire time that we’re here. Like with the salesman. That is fun. Any question gets asked, please answer it in a Scottish accent. Is it all I can? I’d love to. Wow. To up the ante with him. I don’t think I would take the edge off from me. I don’t know. So for 25 minutes, we’re in line. We’re talking. She’s speaking to me like this. It’s perfect. She’s talking like this. Then we get to the front desk. What’s your name? immediately she flips it off i’m staff this is my husband kevin i’m like what just happened so It’s like, what just happened? I’m like, oh, I forgot. Oh, you forgot I’m Scottish. I forgot. Let me do it again. Let’s rewrite it here. Try not my American accent here.

[36:34] Was it good? So… went out the window so i’m not entertained by that okay so we meet the salesman and immediately really, I’m just thinking, dude, this is not your lucky day. You drew the short end. Yeah, he sure did. Like I promise you there’s and I even told him like there’s literally nothing you could say to me where I’m going to buy something today. And so he gives me something to take notes during this presentation. Oh, thank you. And write down any questions. Okay. So we go in this room. You’re writing things about him. Nobody looks over.

[37:07] So we sit in this meeting. And there’s, I mean, it’s couples. And they told us, listen, it has to be the two of you. Okay. So the first question is, how many men here signed up for this? And you look around, zero raised hands. How many of the wives signed up for this? And every wife raised their hand and like, yes, that makes sense. Not one male in the room signed up to attend this. You got targeted. But I got good stuff. Yes, you did. And we’ll go into that. Keep talking. Okay. Because I’m so good. I’m taking notes and I’m writing things down because I’m like, this is probably going to be a story someday. All right. So I’m writing things down. Meanwhile, she told me, she was like, Kevin was taking notes. I was like, is he really interested? Is he going to buy this? I was a little freaky. I’m like, why is he taking notes? We said, no, we’re not doing this. We just bought a house. We’re not buying a timeshare. So I’m asking questions like I normally do. Okay. I’m asking him for stories, all of this stuff. Okay. So there were 88 families in that room. Yeah. 88 families. And I’m like, okay, of this 88, how many is going to buy something? He’s like, I would say 30. 30? I’m like, you’re kidding me. He’s like, nope, we have a high conversion rate. I’m like, geez, okay. So that’s why you’re giving out such good gifts.

[38:24] He’s like, a third are going to buy something by the time here. So I’m like, all right, well, don’t be offended when we are part of the 58 who decline this. All right. Because literally, I’m just there to get through these two hours. Yeah. Okay, so I’m taking notes. So Adam, this was a wild sales presentation, okay? So I had written this down, all these notes, to the side of the page. To the left, I’m putting down questions. To the right, I’m putting down notes on the presentation. So this woman got very upset when there were some kids in the room who made some noise and it distracted her and threw her off. Was she a potential customer or presenter? She was the presenter. Oh, she was the manager. She was doing the pitch. She’s in the zone. So her presentation focused on, quote, power of vacation. Okay. She gets to the conclusion. She referenced her deceased mother. She referenced 9-11. Oh. She referenced COVID, proving that time spent with your family is indeed priceless. She’s really hitting it hard. Yeah, she was. The only thing, I’m like, this is wild. The only thing she didn’t reference was like the Holocaust. Yeah. Right? right? Like puppies, the American flag, baby Jesus and Frank’s family had only been on vacation. If you do not purchase this timeshare, the terrorists have won.

[39:53] We’re literally saving people’s lives here, folks. Oh my gosh. And she’s like, that’s the power of a vacation. Then why are you working, lady? So I wrote down those notes and then I wrote down questions as well thinking I was going to take this with me. Yeah. Well, the guy at our table without, well before I could grab it or before even ask, grab my paper full of notes and questions because he thought I was writing on questions for him to answer. Okay. So he grabs, he’s like, Oh, let me see your, let me see your questions here. And so he reads out loud. Question number one here, Would Dave Ramsey buy one of these timeshares?

[40:40] Because I had written that down. He’s a huge fan. And he’s like, no, I’m pretty sure he would not buy one of these. And then he scans the rest like, no, I’m not going to do this. Okay, they get worse from here. All right, we’re done. They just get worse. how disappointed are the presenters parents in their choice of you know i’m not gonna read that one either so so then they took us to a side room after that and he he starts any questions you can ask anything i can do to make this better for you and like no absolutely no yes get me out of here so then he brings his boss over okay hey let me show you a picture of my family and i’m like Like, that’s great. We’re not buying though. He’s like, oh, okay. Well, let me bring the closer out and then he brings somebody else in. We’re like, we are not buying. We’re like, still no. We are not buying. And so we got out two hours. Two hours. On the button. We were the first ones leaving. Yeah. Everyone else is going to be stuck there. And you were like waving. Yes. 100%. Well, there’s a family that was at our resort who was also there. Yeah. And later that night, I saw them getting into their car. They’re like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How did you guys do that? I’m like, well, how long were you there?

[41:57] Three, three and a half hours, something like that. And I’m like, did you buy? And they’re like, no. And they’re like, what gifts did you get? So I told them everything that I got. And they’re like, their mouths just dropped. I’m like, well, what did you get? And they said, we got a voucher to Olive Garden. That’s all they got. Olive Garden? I’m like, babe, look what I did for us. Hells out. Yes, I did. So we crushed it. You should have pulled the switcheroo on the presenter like you did on the kids for the Disney trip and be like, I am going to buy. Really? No. Not today. You convinced me. No, you didn’t. No, you didn’t. You know what? I’m in. Really? Not yet. Not even close. In fact, I’m less likely to than when you started two hours ago. You’re actually like an opposite salesman.

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[43:18] So I have a lot more stories here that we can get to another time, but I want to address one thing. Okay. The last two trips we’ve taken to Myrtle Beach, we’ve gone to a fire show. Fire show that they almost, I thought they were going to burn the place down. Yes. Sam and I literally listened to that episode today. Did you? Yeah, he was like, Mom, can we listen to fire show? I’m like, yeah, baby, we can. So they still have it. We go to the fire show there at Broadway and the Beach. Okay. We sit down and they start the show. Of course, my wife is cheering and applauding and all that. I look, they have a tent to the left. People poke their head out and are pointing at my wife. And I’m like, that’s either good or bad. Yes. What’s going on? But they’re literally pointing at my wife. Okay. Who’s on the same bench as me. So we, of course, have the ending of the show. All of that. We say, I’m applauding as soon as it’s over. The performers come downstairs and want to meet my wife. They’re like, you’re back. And I’m like, what? They’re like, we didn’t see you, but we heard you.

[44:29] So they heard Steph’s voice. When they’re in a tent, they’re like, that’s the family from Ohio. And she’s like, we poked her head out and we’re like, that’s her. That’s her. It’s so like they’re back. so of course they had to get pictures with stuff and our kids and all that i don’t think i got in a picture but i actually i was the one taking the picture but they were excited to see stuff and they of course inviting stuff to their next show their next performance two hours later but it was hilarious the voice they’re like we didn’t see you we heard you and it was like that’s them that’s her that’s the family from from ohio i mean sight unseen and they recognize nice stuff sis so funny so funny so anything else nope I think we’re good guy get these people out of here all right thank you for listening folks we appreciate it thanks guys friends we want to encourage you to please follow us wherever you listen to this whether it’s on the Apple podcast app I heart radio Spotify or one of the other platforms you guys it’s completely free and while you’re there feel free to give us a rating or a nice review thank you for listening to tell us a good story.