🎉 Celebrating 250 episodes of Tell Us a Good Story! 🎉 In this milestone episode, hosts Kevin + Steph are joined by their friends Adam Bennett and Katie Keller Schnetzer for another hilarious conversation. From Steph getting pulled over by the police thanks to something her husband did (or did not do) to Kevin’s unique excuse for running a stop sign, this episode is packed with laugh-out-loud moments and relatable stories. Plus, Kevin + Steph make an exciting announcement about changes coming to the podcast.

🎙️ Tune in to hear:
– What happened when Steph got pulled over—and why it’s all Kevin’s fault.
– How Kevin talked his way out of a ticket with a very creative excuse.
– What big changes are coming to Tell Us a Good Story—and how you can be part of the fun.

Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to the show, this episode is a celebration of laughter and the joy of sharing good stories. Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story!

To connect with Kevin + Steph:
Voicemail: 614-407-5350 (leave us a message!)
Email: kevinstephmason@gmail.com

📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here:  👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/ 

Access the Show Transcript Here

[0:00] Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of Tell Us a Good Story. Today, like every fifth episode, it’s Steph and I sharing our own stories with you. And this conversation is with our friend Adam Bennett and Steph’s sister, Katie Keller Schnitzer. Oh, you guys, we are celebrating 250 episodes. Wow. And in this episode, I share the things my husband has done recently that have not made me happy. It’s going to be a long episode. Yeah, it is. Including how I got pulled over by a police officer last week because of my husband. That’s true. At least it made for a good story. Absolutely. And we make an announcement regarding some changes coming to tell us a good story. You guys, we can’t wait for to hear this conversation as we celebrate a big milestone. Here’s to episode 250. I’m Kevin. And I’m Steph. And during our marriage, we’ve dealt with an electrocution, a brain tumor, brain surgery. Then doctors telling us the children were not in our future, followed by miscarriage and then Kevin’s cancer diagnosis. However, today we live a life completely healed, completely restored with three healthy children who doctors said were not possible. And we’re here to tell stories that inspire, give hope, and brighten your day. Welcome to Tell Us a Good Story.

[1:12] Okay, friends, before we get to this episode, just a friendly reminder to please hit the subscribe button on YouTube and Apple Podcasts or give us a review. Five stars, please. In our world, this is super, super important because it will help with the algorithm to make it easier for people to find us. And thank you for sharing our posts across your social media. That really helps with engagement and with us getting guests. Yes. So, hey, if you want us to keep working our way up to talking to Chip and Joanna, please share us with your friends. But regardless, thank you for listening to tell us a good story.

[1:45] All right, Steph. Welcome to episode 250. It’s… I know! I know! What’s that? It’s like a sesquitenial? I have no idea. Now we’re just getting too… It’s a big number. We’re getting too high. 250. Yes. And today we have the band back together. Oh my gosh! We’re together again! I’m so excited! Our good friend Adam Bennett and Steph’s sister, Katie Keller-Schnitzer. They are with us! We are here! All together! We’re so happy! So earlier, Steph and I are in the bathroom, and Steph’s like, I’m actually really excited to talk to them tonight. As if you’re never excited to talk to them tonight. No, it’s not. You know, sometimes I get stressed about guests and what we’re going to say, and is it going to be good? But I’m so flipping excited to have you guys with us. And I’m ready to roll? Yes. We’re so excited. We have an announcement to make at the end. Oh, yes. Oh. All right. But… We’ve done this for five years now. Isn’t that crazy? This is episode 250. We’ve done this for five years. And the people we’re talking to is ridiculous, including these two in front of us right now. You know what’s interesting?

[3:02] Katie, we almost had to coerce her to talk with us and be on our podcast. Then Adam, you wanted to invite him. He’s never going to say yes. And Steph wouldn’t let me. Never, because I was like, Adam is so introverted. I didn’t want to bother him. And now they’re like a staple on our show and the listeners just love them and we love them rightfully so and one thing we are going to do on fifth episodes is we are going to start sharing listeners messages that we’ve received oh boy so we’re going to start doing that and steph and i i mean we are very busy as you know we are incredibly busy so to be able to do this is the easiest part right is recording this so there’s so many times you’re like should we just keep doing this whatever and then you get messages like this one uh this is from rob dorchak in.

[3:56] Charleston south carolina all right rob let’s hear it by the way if you did not cut out half of my jokes your viewer responses would be way more interesting that is true i don’t know if it would a family friendly episode here’s the thing okay Adam you say that I’m not lying every time we record with you Steph and I or us with our producer Craig Clawson have some type of debate of which which comments we have to cut what was too much yes what was what crossed the line and what is okay who really has creative control of this process is what that determines it’s causing craig can i keep this in he’s like oh i don’t know if i would.

[4:44] It literally happens every time we have to have a debate okay what can we keep in of things that adam said another good reason why this is not live exactly all right this is from rob dorchak in charleston south carolina hi there kevin and steph i love your podcast and just stumbled across it about four months ago i told myself when i listened to the first one i heard which was the one when you had Victor Marks as a guest that I should write you. I’ve listened to all your episodes after that one and just recently heard you share about your journey in overcoming so many obstacles. I’ve been telling myself nothing is by accident and it just so happens I am now 18 months cancer free. Woo! Good job. After a random stage four cancer diagnosis at just 41 years young. I thought cancer ruined my life and it turns out that although I’m struggling in a lot of areas, I’m completely restored. and know for a fact that Jesus is completely restored by mind, body, and spirit. Oh, Rob!

[5:40] Congrats, man. That’s awesome. That was Rob. So that was an email we received from Rob, which was awesome. Yes. Do you want me to keep going? Yes. Yeah. Heck yeah. Here is an Apple podcast review. Oh, I always get nervous with reviews. Hopefully you won’t share the bad ones if we have bad ones. Well, we have 135 star reviews. What? Yes, we do. Wait, 135 star reviews or 135? 130 five star reviews. Do we really? Yes, we do. I didn’t know that. This is from Ezekiel Beyer. Oh. Titled, This Podcast is Amazing. Five stars. I love this podcast. I check often for new episodes where I listen to this podcast. Sometimes I laugh so hard my family looks at me like I’m crazy. Perfect. End of the review. That’s exactly what we’re after. Ah, Zekiel! Next is DJ Tommy Hill. Oh. Who I don’t know who that is either. That sounds like a rapper. Well, a DJ. Oh. Is that a title or a name? That was the name. Daddy Jr. Maybe Daddy Jr. No. Oh. So, love your episode with Coach Blackstone. I’ve seen that Coach had shared this episode with you guys and I loved it. I went on to listen to a few other episodes and you guys are very entertaining. I had coach at Jackson High School throughout my high school career. He is the best. Definitely going to check out more of your content. Keep up the good work. Aw, DJ!

[6:59] Very cool. This one is an Instagram direct message, DM from Brittany Ott. Brittany Ott. I’ve recently started listening to your podcast from the beginning and I’ve listened to about 80 episodes so far. That’s a lot of listening. That’s a lot of listening. And I always tell people, go in reverse. Don’t start from the beginning. Start from current and go backwards. Oh my gosh, you guys. Have you listened to some of the earlier ones? Well, it’s tough for us. No, I like them. We cringe. I appreciate all of them. Do you?

[7:31] They’re folksy. Yes. No, I think they’re folksy. I think some are boring, but that’s okay. Says, I love them a lot. You guys often have me cracking up laughing or even tearing up. Then she sent me another post here. Says, my family is in Ohio for a family reunion camping at Hocking Hills. And I told my dad, she’s from Pennsylvania. I told my dad, I sent you a message. And he asked if I told you who I am. I knew my family knew you when you were younger, but didn’t realize you would know them from church. My mom is Lori Cavell Ulmer. Lori was a friend of my sister’s when I was a kid at our church. What? Steph, 35 years ago, I would say. Wow. And I haven’t seen her probably in 35 years. That’s awesome. And somehow her daughter is reaching out to us. That’s great. Hey, Kevin Bacon right there. It is. So freaking lately. So they bought their mother a You Met Her Where book for Christmas. Oh, no. No.

[8:32] And we have a five-star amazon review from laurie.

[8:42] From laurie i’m not one who loves to read but this one catches your attention and keeps it it feels like they open up and let you into their family to personally be a part of their journey it makes you laugh and cry it’s definitely a faith builder, Then she sent me a DM and said how they’ve been passing our book around to their entire family. Going from person to person, each person’s staff, on average, it’s taken two days to read. Yep. Wow. I believe that. And this isn’t like a children’s book, right? This is like 200 pages, right?

[9:14] So that’s impressive. That’s awesome. They’re not putting it down, which is nice. And they’re passing it along with their family. So that is good. Very sweet. Thanks, Brittany. Thank you. On these fifth episodes, we are going to start sharing your comments, your stories. So thank you for doing that. Steph, did you know that Tell Us A Good Story has a YouTube channel? Wait, seriously? So apparently you don’t watch it. Absolutely not. That’s what I thought. But it’s because you know I don’t like to watch myself. That’s true. That is true. But friends, we have a YouTube channel we would love for you to check out. So if you would like to see video clips of us with prior guests or some entire episodes or videos of my wife here scaring guests with her excitement. Oh, that too. You can see all of that by going to YouTube and searching Tell Us a Good Story. And don’t forget to hit the subscribe button. Yes. But as always, you guys, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[10:05] Let’s move on to our stories. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. And Steph is a little too excited to share something just happened. Here we go, people. So, you know how Kevin always complains with fifth episodes. Steph, you got any stories? And I’m like, no. And he’s like, can you bring something to the table? Just one. Can you just bring something? Can you have one story? You know how this works. Every two months, can you have one story? You have five weeks to do some living. Yes.

[10:31] No kidding. Make something happen. So, guess what? You shoplifted.

[10:35] No, but I got a story tonight, and it involves my husband. Okay, can we start? Can we do it? This involved, I would tell this things that, yeah, your husband has done. Okay, so Monday night, driving home. Monday, I was so slammed at work. I didn’t eat lunch. Super busy. And let’s talk about that. You not eating lunch is important because why? She’s going to murder us when she gets home. Well, I intermittent fast. So I don’t usually get to eat until like 1 o’clock. God, what? It’s so healthy for you. It’s very good for you. It’s good for you, Adam. I’m on the train. I just got her on this week. All right. But that’s why it’s important because she had not eaten food since 8 o’clock the night before. Night before. I did make myself an energy bite, and I shoved that in a protein shake down like at 2 or 3 o’clock that day. And when you get home, I can tell immediately whether you have eaten or not. Well, yeah. Because I am getting out of dodge when you get home. Well, when I get – guys, okay. Here, when I do this, here’s the thing, people. Here’s the thing, people. Okay, I get up 4.15 a.m. I take it, my workout in. So I get my workout in. I get the kids ready. I leave for work. Lunches. I pack lunches. I get their backpacks done. I’m doing everything. Then I leave. I get home at six o’clock at night to then make dinner. Word. Finish the kids’ homework if they need to. Pack their lunches again. I come home.

[12:05] Dishes are everywhere. That’s not good, Kevin. Kevin’s home. Kevin is home all day. He’s home working. He’s home working. He’s home working. I’m not doing dishes. I am working. No, when do you eat lunch? When you eat lunch and then you’re like, I’m just going to put the bowl right there by the sink. Not in the sink, not in the dishwasher, on the counter. Well, the problem was the dishwasher was clean and I didn’t have the time to unload the dishwasher and then put the dirty dishes in. So that’s why. But go ahead. But sometimes, so he has this thing. He shouldn’t have it because I look at it and it tracks his hours. From the time he gets up, he tracks how long he talks, has meetings, how long he has lunch, how long he does personal finance, how long he goes to the gym. And when he tracks it, guess what? I track it too. So when I see… You can’t let her out back. I need to log out. A 45-minute lunch and is like, I didn’t have time to do the dishes. I didn’t get lunch that day. I had a 45-minute lunch. I just didn’t have time. What do you expect? I didn’t have time. Here’s what you do. When she calls you on the way home, be like, listen, honey, I know you had a stressful day. You got to tell her that minute. I ran some bubbles for you. But when she comes home, it’s the sink ready for the dishes.

[13:25] She’ll think that’s funny. No, probably not. All right, dunk some dishes, honey. When she hasn’t eaten all day, that’s probably not the best thing. Some candles next to it. Here you go. Setting the mood.

[13:38] So that’s the start of my story. Okay? So leaving, I always call Kevin, how was your day? And can you start dinner? He’s like, well, and I’m like, you know what? It’s fine. Because sometimes it’s just easier for us women just to come home and start the dinner. I’m like, I’ll come home. I’ll start dinner. And it was, well, because I’m trying to finish something to email a client. Yeah, yeah. Before you get home with the kids. Absolutely. You were. It’s like 5, 30, 5, 45, on my way home to get the kids, on my way to my mom’s to get my kids. Our kids. Our kids. In her mind, she’s already separated. So this is your weekend with them, Kevin.

[14:24] So I am literally maybe 100 yards from my mom’s house. And all of a sudden, I see red and blue. In my rear view window. And I’m like, this isn’t happening. And then in my mind, I’m like, seatbelt on, no cell phone, radio’s down, hands five or 10 o’clock, two o’clock. I’m like, why am I being pulled over? So I turn on my mom’s road. I literally, my mom’s house is like three houses down. It’s right there. And I was like, I’m going to be happy in this moment. I choose joy. Choose joy. Yes, I did. Amen, you will. steal my joy. No, devil not today. Hey, you roll down the window, sir, you are not going to steal my joy. No amount of tasing will steal my joy. I may lose bowel function, but you will not take my joy.

[15:16] So I press my button down. The window comes down. He was like, he was like, how are you tonight? I’m like, I’m so good. He’s like, what are you off to? I’m like, you see that house right there. I’m going to go get my kids. And he’s like, well, I pulled you over because your license plates are expired. And I instantly Oh no.

[15:41] I instantly sang bad words about my husband. Is that your job? Seven months ago, I had told him, Kevin, we need to make sure our license plate stickers are updated. Yep, yep, I got it taken care of. Okay, perfect. That’s what’s one of the things that he’s in charge of. So he said that. I was like, oh, no, you’re wrong. No, I don’t think so. My husband took care of that. And he said, ma’am, they’re expired by six months. Six months? Yeah, six months. So then I was like, can you hold on for a second? And he’s like, yes. I’m like, I’m going to call my husband. Yes, I did. I called my husband. And put him on speakerphone. I did. So luckily Kevin answered and I said, oh, hi, I’m with Officer, what’s your name again? I’m making this up, Bluey, I’m with Officer Bluey and apparently my license plates are expired. And he’s like, Huh. I print mine at home, by the way. He’s like, you know, we know why it’s a lot easier. He’s like, I was going to tell you this yesterday. I put your sticker on my plate.

[16:53] No, Kevin, that does not make sense. And the officer’s shaking. No, he did not. No, he did not. So I don’t even know where that came from. Say it. Here’s what happened. Okay. The day before we get home. Yes. And our neighbor walks over to say hello to us and he’s like hey by the way your van’s plates are expired the sticker there i’m like oh my gosh it’s six months i’m like how did that happen and i said i must have put your sticker on my car and mess it up yeah okay so that wasn’t the case though but it was literally the day before sunday when our neighbor said hey you should probably get that fixed that was the lord that was I was literally 24 hours earlier. Yeah. So the officer’s shaking his head, nope, nope, nope. And I said, Kevin, he’s saying no. He’s saying no. And he’s like, huh. And the officer was so nice about it. He was very nice. He was amazing. He would have probably had me cuffed in the back of his car. That’s why you put the tags on your plate, not hers.

[17:51] So I said, Kevin, he’s saying, and Kevin was so good with the officer. He’s like, what would you have me do? What would you recommend me doing? And you say so go with the officer that’s because you put me on speakerphone and like you know what you talk to this guy and so then i had a conversation myself with officer blue yeah you did thanks to you yes you did so then officer bluey like walked kevin step by step like how to go online redo our license place like he was so nice so then kevin’s doing it okay while he’s doing it the officer’s like can i have your license and registration or insurance card so i can run it through i’m like absolutely you said kevin is that in my van yes it is in your van so i give him my license plate or my license then i grab my insurance the officer looks at he’s like ma’am this is expired a month ago and he’s like did you not put the new updated one in your car I’m like, did you get it to me? Oh, y’all.

[18:59] I was not, it was not a good day. And you wanted to murder me at that point. Murder. Murder. And so the end of the story was, yes, we renewed it. Yes. And I just hadn’t printed it and put it in your van yet. Yeah. And then in regards to the registration. Well, at that point, this officer’s being so, I’m like, do you want me to like have him, take a picture of the insurance so we can like prove it. And he’s like, ma’am, you look so trustworthy. I said, I am. I am trustworthy. My husband isn’t. I was shocked. He’s like, I believe you. You’ve got insurance. I believe you. And I’m like, who says that? Officer Bluey. Officer Bluey. Because you know what? I think he was trying to save a marriage that day. I truly feel like he was. And I said that to him. I was like, Officer Bluey, I want you to know you saved a marriage tonight. Yeah, she actually told him that while I was on the phone.

[19:50] And so I logged in while Officer Blue is on the phone. And because I’m shocked. I’m like, why did I not renew that? Like, I’m shocked why it didn’t happen. They ended up, they had sent it to our old home address. And so we hadn’t updated our home address on that particular registration. So it had gone to our old address. I didn’t have it. So thankfully, you did not get a ticket. Thankfully, he was very kind. I was like, okay, officer really like he’s doing

[20:16] it right now. And he’s like, I highly recommend he gets this done. And the next 30 seconds, cause the next officer that pulls you over might not be as kind as that what I have been. And I’m like, I said, Kevin, you better get this done. It better be done by the time I get home. It was done. It was done. It was done.

[20:35] But that reminds me of the last time when the last times I was pulled over, do you remember this stuff? So Steph and I are competitive, I would say. And we had just gotten new insurance with, I think it was Liberty Mutual. All right. And they put an app on you where they track your driving habits. And then Steph and I can log in and see who’s the safer driver. Okay. And then whoever is a safer driver gets a bigger discount on our car insurance. I let my grandmother drive with that app when they did that to me like you’d never go over 30 i got i was paying nothing it was awesome.

[21:13] You put it on her phone yeah hey grandma i need your phone for a little bit all right so they’re tracking her you go a mile and a half to the grocery store twice a week that’s it okay i’ll live a simple life so what am i paying 30 bucks a year so we did that and then And we would look to see, okay, who’s got the better score. So the very first week, Steph had the better score. Obviously. Obviously, because I didn’t know how it worked yet. Well, apparently I had. Slammed on my brakes one too many times and it was dinging my driving score okay yeah steph just goes right through those animals you try to save them so basically that was my attitude adam was i’m not breaking hard okay after that tricycle can move that’s fine exactly go right through that animal so i’m going through a neighborhood and i come up on a stop sign a little too hot And I decide not to break hard. And so I just coast through it in turn. Well, as I’m coasting through it, the police officer is coming and he saw me coast through the stop sign. So he pulls me over. And he’s like, do you know why I pulled you over? And I’m like, sir, I 100% know why you pulled me over. He’s like, I noticed that you did not stop at that stop sign. You pretty much just coasted through it. Would you like to explain what happened there? And I said, I absolutely would. i said my wife and i are in a competition.

[22:42] This past week she had a better insurance score than i did and so when i came up on that stop sign i was like you know what i cannot slam on my brakes right now or else it’s going to ding my score and i’m really trying to beat my wife on this and so i coasted through because there was nobody there at that four-way stop and he looks at me like i’ve got a hole in my head he’s like he goes huh mr mason that’s the first time i’ve ever heard that excuse before when i pulled somebody over and so he went back he checked my license my driver’s history and all that and he comes back he’s like listen i appreciate what you’re doing i’m gonna let you go on this no but please you need to start stopping at these stop signs and i’m like he let you go he did he was he like i was i was shocked i was actually shocked he gave me grace, and, you know, entertain them because he was laughing about it. Like he was shocked that that was the excuse that I gave him.

[23:41] Friends, we have been asked to speak at a few events recently in regards to sharing some of our story. And it has been an absolute honor. We have a lot of personal stories to share that will hopefully inspire, encourage, and maybe even make you laugh. So if you’re hosting some type of event or need a guest speaker, we’re here to help. That’s right. Just go to kevinandsteph.com and click on the contact button. Like Steph said, let us know if we can be of help in any way whether it’s our personal testimony of healing and hope or me just telling some jokes oh god please you guys please don’t ask him to do that but seriously just go to kevinandsteph.com to contact us and as always thank you for listening to tell us a good story.

[24:22] Do you want to share the other thing that you’re upset that i have done over the past couple weeks spread your complaints about kevin into multiple episodes going forward i was gonna say we have a whole episode about this if i’m gonna be honest with you there’s multiple and i don’t know which one you’re referencing so i want to make sure we’re on the same page which thing do you think i’m thinking it all starts with getting up at 4 15 i would guess if i got up with 4 15 i would have nothing but complaints from 4 15 to 7 30 a.m yes so it is the first conversation that we recorded starting season six of tell us a good story what happened okay you guys we did a zoom call we weren’t recording visually we were just recording like sound we weren’t recording video on this one yes thank you it was a couple of weeks ago so we get on and before we get on There’s this thing that I have to do I always have to yawn It’s like this thing Like I have to get the perfect yawn out Before every conversation Before every conversation Like a cleansing breath So we’re getting ready to go I’m starting to yawn And then Kevin just rips one.

[25:39] Yin to the yang? Is that what that means? My mouth is open And I’m like tasting it It’s so bad. I’m sitting there and I’m like, I got to let this go before she gets on the Zoom call. So I just let it go because I’ve been holding on. But I don’t know why you had to hold it. Like, just let it go before we’re getting ready and my mouth is open. So we’re sitting there and I just rip one right beside Steph. So on the Zoom call, it says your guest is here in the waiting room, right? So I’m getting ready to click on it. Steph is gagging. Because she’s just like oh dear god what did you what did you eat like this is awful and then i start busting out laughing okay but then i put my cursor over to let this.

[26:35] I’m still gagging we are crying we are laughing gagging so much and i’m like oh my like i can’t get composed i am not composed right now to try to be have a conversation with somebody like you’ve never met that we’ve never met yeah you know who knows if she knows about us and i was like i can’t be professional in this like your eyes are watering no i’m flying she’s gonna get on me like what’s happening stephan’s trying to breathe try to catch her breath so then again i put my cursor over it And then Steph’s like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Uh-uh. So we are a few minutes late. Yeah. Oh, stop. Oh, it’s bad. To our very first episode that we’re recording for season six of Tosca Story. And again, I won’t tell you which one it is, but. Is that edited out? Did you tell her? Oh, no. But did you say, I’m so sorry. She wasn’t on yet. No, she’s asking because we were late. Because you were late? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, we apologize. Yeah, Martha Stewart is really picky about that. Oh, I’m sorry. Did I say too much? My bad. So, yes, we did apologize for being late. I’m so sorry. So we were a good two minutes late to the Zoom call, and thankfully she was still there. Oh, Kate was so bad. All right, Steph, are you ready for the announcement? Well, I’m just trying to figure out what the announcement is.

[28:00] I’m like, I am ready. You are aware of this, and I pitched this to you. And I’m going to share how I pitched it to my wife this weekend. The announcement is, of course, every fifth episode is just us sharing our stories with listeners. Those fifth episodes, y’all, have turned into the most popular, the most downloaded, which is mind-blowing. Shocking. We’re spinning off our own podcast. Katie and Adam.

[28:31] I always knew Kevin and Steph were holding us back. I always felt that way I didn’t want to say it but now that they’ve said it and it’s out there I feel comfortable.

[28:45] So yes we hear a lot of times where when people start listen tell us good story they will go to every fifth episode and they will just they will just binge those and then they’ll go to the the actual interviews which again is like mind-blowing yeah so here’s the announcement we have decided we have decided we that now every fifth episode and first episode will be us sharing our own stories oh and we typically when we meet with y’all it’s not an issue and how long we talk so we are going to every fifth and first episode is going to be stephanie sharing stories with friends like yourself it’s a trial i got him to say it’s a trial i’m gonna start submitting a rider like like musicians do like like a sheet you know like pull all the red m&ms out and then.

[29:36] And first of all, this is not Dasani and I would demand that first of all, not the perfect temperatures, not 71 degrees. It would not be any change in what we’ve done because we have typically talk an hour or so and I just split into two episodes. That’s all we’re going to do here. Wait a second. Sure. Wait, you know, math is not my thing. If it’s every fifth episode, I get it. 250, 255. But every first episode. 251, 256. Oh, okay. Good point. Every first and sixth episode. Wait. No, it’s first and fifth. Yeah. It’s first and fifth. Okay. So episode 250, 251 will be us. And then we’ll do 55, 56 will be us. And then episode 260, 261 will be us. I got it. I napped today, so I’m pretty sharp.

[30:27] I got those, you know those eye masks that you can sleep with? Now, which ones? The weighted ones? The lavender ones? Just the regular fleece sort of, you know. I tried one. And you might be thinking, who cares? Because you’ve napped. I started wearing it just, you can wear it just during the day. You don’t have to just wear it at night. Oh, you can wear it anytime. You can wear it around like ski goggles during the day. You wear it at home. And then anytime you just feel like it, you just kind of slide it down like ski goggles over your eyes when you’re on the sofa. You’re just like, boom, and you’re out. It’s like narcolepsy on demand. I did that today. You’re on the toilet. You just slide them down and fall asleep. I had them on today during the day, and they were just up on my head like ski goggles when you don’t need them. I just sat on the sofa, and they were still there, and I was like, oh, man, this is coming together. I just slid them down, and so that’s why I’m more coherent today than normal. So this weekend, of course, Steph gets concerned about things that are not her responsibility, not like license plates like the tags yeah don’t concern yourself don’t worry about that the cop’s knee is in your back and you’re like you know this isn’t my problem this is not my problem.

[31:39] Precisely, so i am working at the coffee shop this one saturday going through stuff and by the way you weren’t working at a coffee shop you were doing work at a coffee yes and by the way you thought he had another job the kids think i actually work at panera like i’m an employee of panera the amount you abuse their free wi-fi i could see why they think that because tate the one time asked me like you know when i’m done with my shift can i bring him a cookie or something.

[32:11] I work at panera but i don’t work at panera they don’t pay me well when they’re not looking at the tip jar so i’m at panera i’m working and i’m like you know what i’m gonna run this past stuff so i call stuff and i can hear kids in the background and this was last saturday, and i’m like steph you want to be included on decisions to tell us a story so i’m going to include you on this decision okay i want to get your your opinion okay so steph i need you to like focus here for a second and then steph’s like okay guys hey dad has something serious i want you to stop talking right it’s gonna be serious you ready for this okay i’m ready go ahead.

[32:57] Am I making this up, Steph? Yes, you are. No, I am not. I’m like, okay, this is going splendidly right now. So, like, here’s what I’m thinking, Steph. I’m thinking we should do every fifth and first. No. No. No. No. I’m like, hold on. Hold on. Let me talk. Let me talk. Let me finish it. Nope. Okay. Steph, I’m thinking we should do every fifth and first. No. Okay, Steph. You know how ticked off you get when you start to tell me something and I immediately formulate an opinion before you finish talking? Yeah, that’s exactly how I’m feeling right now. And I said, I understand. I did say that. You’re like, proceed. Proceed. Did you pull that? I’m sorry, you’re mad thing. People love that. I’m sorry, you’re angry.

[33:50] So i go through the rationale of what i just told you it’s the most popular and it’ll save us time it’ll save us time in regards to scheduling another episode an interview the prep work that i’ve got to do going to a studio potentially that we do so wait all you had to do you know your wife all you had to do was say steph i have a plan for us to do this episode and save money, save money and book less people. And after I shared that, she still said no. Do you know what I do? So this is a good technique. So everybody will follow anything if they think it was their idea. So what I’ve told Steph is, and I do this with my wife all the time. Hopefully she doesn’t listen to this. I would tell Steph, hey Steph, remember when you suggested that we do the first and fifth episode, just be us talking?

[34:43] And then her immediate reaction will be, oh, yeah, it’s a good idea. Here’s the thing, Adam. It kills me that people like our fifth episode. So I know I wouldn’t have recommended that. Because you know what you recommend? No. No, I did not do that. No, I didn’t do that. No, I did not say that. Because I don’t think people listen to us right now. I’m pretty sure it was your idea. You misheard that. I was saying less of me. Less of me? Yes, that’s what I was saying. Did you mute my mic? Please mute my mic. So I go through that. Steph is adamant. Nope, we’re going to run out of stories. And I’m like, Steph, I have 59 pages of notes of stories of just living life with you. You get up at 4.15. That’s a lot of living. Yeah, it is. It is a lot of living. Yeah, it is. So there are plenty of stories to go through. If we run out of stories, so be it. Get up at 3.15 if you run out of stories.

[35:29] So be it. Okay? But let’s try this and see how it goes. So that’s what we’re going to do. We are going to trial it and see how it goes. And if it doesn’t go well, we’re just going back to our original. Yeah. But if it goes well, we’ll keep it going. Yes. So basically, we’re in another competition to see who is right right now. We’ll see. Yeah.

[35:50] Okay. So on the fifth episodes, we’ll start reading messages of listeners like today. And then on the first episodes, we are going to start requesting listeners to submit stories. So we’re going to read some good stories. So listeners, please email us a good story you can go to kevinstep.com to do that if you want to leave us a voicemail we’ll transcribe it and we’ll read it and we’ll comment on it you can leave us a dm you can delete facebook all of that but we want to hear some of your good stories and we will share those and we’ll comment on those as well oh i love that that’s nice so we’ll read a good story yep like paul harvey that’s nice all right friends we want to hear from you every fifth episode has been us telling our own stories, but now we want to share some of your stories. That’s right, you guys. If you have a fun story you would like to share, please send it to us. You could email us, DM us, or even leave us a voicemail. And I will share our contact information, including a phone number in the show notes. If you call us, just leave us a voicemail and I will transcribe it and read it on one of our upcoming episodes. And don’t worry if you’re not a master storyteller. That’s okay. We want to share your stories and then you will hear us comment on them. I promise you, this will be so much fun. Oh my gosh, you guys, so much fun. You guys, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[37:14] Steph do you want to give a quick update on where we are going next week oh you guys like I am like sick to my stomach she is so excited I am no no I am so nervous about this like I can’t even talk about it I’m so nervous so you talk about it because I’m so nervous okay let’s just keep us in prayer so as you’re listening to this we’re probably going to be in Dallas so we started videoing video episodes of tell us good story for television to be broadcast and so the producer of that john ondo submitted one of the first episodes to the nrb organization which is the national religious broadcasting group okay so we’re a finalist for video podcast of the year award which is wild right so we’re finalists for this big award so we’re going to this conference in dallas do you know you’re up against no clue we don’t know any of this stuff right we’re totally we’re supposed to show up i don’t know we’re supposed to be there yes it’s our job to sabotage.

[38:17] So then while we’re there john put together a tv sizzle reel a two-minute sizzle reel put together of some of the video clips from us and who we’ve talked to so that shows like us with john gordon with coach scott drew with alex kendrick willy robertson the conversation we had and willie’s laughing and sharing a funny story so it’s a really good reel and then steph and i get two minutes on stage to pitch the tv version of tell us good story oh to all the networks and when he says steph and i get to pitch it’s kevin talking and i’m smiling yes yes ditto just like the police officer interaction kevin’s talking you’re smiling talk to my husband you just get out there and Yeah, we’ll talk to my husband. I’ll talk to him. Hand me the microphone. So that’s the next stop. So that happens in a week. But who are, okay, wait. Are you pitching to a separate audience? So again, this is out of our wheelhouse. I don’t know all the details. We’ll learn a lot when we’re there. Yeah. But that’s what’s on the docket for now. Wow.

[39:22] Pretty crazy. Yes. Anything else, Steph? Episode 250 as we wrap this up? Nope. I’m so excited. New season. Oh my gosh. You should see some of the people we’re talking to or have talked to. It’s really exciting, the doors that are being opened this year. I think you guys launched Jim Trestle’s political career, now that I think of it. Yeah, when we tucked in two years ago or whatever. I was a lieutenant governor. Yeah, it all started right here.

[39:50] Friends, we want to encourage you to please follow us wherever you listen to this, whether it’s on the Apple Podcast app, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or one of the other platforms. You guys, it’s completely free. And while you’re there, feel free to give us a rating or a nice review. Thank you for listening, too. Tell us a good story.