There’s nothing better than a good conversation with an interesting person with a story about a pizzeria. Listen in and find out the whole thing!
Have you ever ordered a pizza and then had to wait about six months to go pick it up and actually eat it? If your answer is yes, then you probably ordered from the Wizard of Za and your wait was worth it.
In today’s episode, Kevin and Steph talk with the founder of Wizard of Za pizzeria, Spencer Saylor. Saylor talks about having a waitlist of over four thousand orders, being voted as one of the Top 50 people in the pizza industry, and what it’s like to deliver a pizza to Urban Meyer’s house.
If you are a fan of pizza, cheesy stories and a constant stream of lighthearted stories then you are in for a treat!
We hope you enjoyed this episode of Tell Us a Good Story and we will see you next time!
Guest Website: thewizardofza.com
Guest Instagrams: @spencersaylor, @wizardofza
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Podcast Instagram: @kevinstephmason
Podcast Facebook: @KevinStephMason
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