On the show today is Joe Serio, author of the critically acclaimed book ‘Investigating the Russian Mafia’ and a new book titled ‘Vodka, Hookers, and the Russian Mafia’. But what makes Joe Serio the perfect person to continue discussing this topic and lead our conversation about Russian culture and history in today’s episode?
Serio has an endless amount of stories that deal with the KGB, the Russian mafia, and living in a socialist country during the Cold War. He also shares his opinion of what he sees as some scary similarities in America today compared to what he experienced in the Soviet Union during the mid-eighties. The comparisons to our society today and the one he knew in Russia during the Cold War shines a disturbing light on our possible future.
We can’t wait for you to hear this enlightening conversation.
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story and we will see you next time!
Guest Website: vodkahookers.com
Guest Facebook: @joeseriospeaks
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Podcast Instagram: @kevinstephmason
Podcast Facebook: @KevinStephMason
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