In today’s episode, Kevin and Steph sit down to talk with Shawn Harper, a former professional football player who can not only play a good game of ball but also rip a telephone book in half and roll a frying pan with his bare hands! And Kevin, for one, is VERY thankful to Shawn for NOT shaking his hand when they met.
But when Harper isn’t shredding phone books or ruining kitchen supplies, he’s writing books and practicing his game. In this episode, Harper has some incredible stories to share about overcoming multiple learning disabilities, failure, and adversity to eventually have a career in the National Football League. Harper also tells a couple more good humored stories of what he did to celebrate after watching his name get called on TV in the NFL Draft.
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story and we’ll see you next time!
Listener Gifts from Shawn Harper
BOOK: The Winning Edge
Guest Website: shawnharper.org
Guest Instagram: @shawnharperspeaker
Guest Facebook: @shawnharperspeaks
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Podcast Instagram: @kevinstephmason
Podcast Facebook: @KevinStephMason
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