Make sure you did not miss part one of Kevin and Steph’s conversation with close friends Adam Bennett and Joe Muck or you’ll miss out on half the fun! So here is part two of their conversation!
In this episode, their stories focus mainly on the road trip that Kevin and his three closest friends try to take to an Ohio State football game every year, including their – in one word – EPIC trip to Minnesota. From making bets about running on the field during the game to sneaking into the luxury box to having dinner with one of Joe’s friends, who tells the guys some tall tales about how he smuggled cocaine into Miami back in the ’80s…this was a pretty crazy trip!
“But for me, the best part of the trip was the night before.” Watch this episode to find out exactly why the night before all the craziness started was actually Kevin’s favorite part of their annual trip!
Hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story and we’ll see you next time!
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📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here:
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