From the Editor: Kevin and Stephanie are not feeling their best this week and need time to get better, and are taking the week off from the podcast. So, please, enjoy this episode from March 2020 with John Stauffer, and keep the Mason’s in your prayers
In this episode of Tell Us a Good Story, Kevin and Steph introduce the listeners to Kevin’s old college roommate and longtime friend, John Stauffer. In the years since living with Kevin, Stauffer has become a doctor and traveled over the world helping people. Today he shares some of his amazing medical stories with the podcast. His story begins in a small town dairy farm and goes all the way to the present, where he has become a Mayo Clinic surgeon who holds the power of life and death in his hands.
John Stauffer also shares his experiences and the difficulties of performing surgery in poverty stricken countries and the way those moments changed his perspective on life and medicine with Kevin and Steph.
On a less heavy note in the conversation, Stauffer also shares some hilarious stories of the pranks his family pulled on Kevin during his first visit to their family home when they were in college.
We hope you enjoy this episode of Tell Us a Good Story and we will see you next time.
Guest Website: mayoclinic.org
Podcast Website: kevinandsteph.com
Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @KevinStephMason
📘 Their book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here: 👉 kevinandsteph.com/shop/