We’ve heard your requests! Some of your favorite episodes are with Steph’s sister, Katie Keller Schnetzer.  

Have you ever been scared while on vacation? Ever gone on an excursion that looked like fun but then got dangerous real fast? That is EXACTLY what happened this past summer! Katie and her family took a trip to Lake Erie, went to a drive-through safari, and barely made it through in one piece. Kevin + Steph took their family to Myrtle Beach, went to a “fire show”, and the entertainers almost burned the place down. However, these crazy experiences make for some great stories!

PLUS…how bad is Kevin with animals? And why are Steph and Katie going on a trip to Disney but NOT taking their kids?

Thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story. Head over to our website here for video clips, more episodes, and information about Kevin + Steph. And don’t forget to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!

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[0:00] Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of Tell Us a Good Story. We have been getting feedback that some of your favorite episodes are those with Steph’s sister. So this week, we’re going to share with you a prior conversation we had with Steph’s favorite co-host, Katie Keller Schnitzer. Oh, you guys, I just love my sister. And in this particular conversation with Katie, we talk about some of the hilarious experiences we’ve had on family vacations, from Katie’s family going to a dangerous drive-thru safari to our family going to a a dangerous fire show at Myrtle Beach. Oh, you guys, these stories are so funny. And how bad am I with animals? So bad. Pretty bad. And during this conversation, you will hear my wife and sister-in-law make fun of me many, many times. You guys, we can’t wait for to hear this conversation with my sister, Katie Keller Schnitzer. I’m Kevin. And I’m Stephanie. And during our marriage, we have dealt with an electrocution, a brain tumor, brain surgery. Then doctors telling us that children were not in our future, followed by miscarriage, and then Kevin’s cancer diagnosis. However, today we live a life completely healed and restored with three healthy children who doctors said were not possible. And we’re here to tell stories that inspire, give hope, and brighten your day. Welcome to Tell Us a Good Story.

[1:16] Okay, friends, before we get to this episode, just a friendly reminder to please hit the subscribe button on YouTube and Apple Podcasts, or give us a review. Five stars, please. In our world, this is super, super important because it will help with the algorithm to make it easier for people to find us. And thank you for sharing our post across your social media. That really helps with engagement and with us getting guests. Yes. So hey, if you want us to keep working our way up to talking to Chip and Joanna, please share us with your friends. But regardless, thank you for listening to tell us a good story. Today, we are having a conversation with your favorite co-host. Yes. Guest host. It’s my sister. My sister. Katie Keller Schnitzer. Listeners, if you can’t tell already, I am with two women here who I would call game show excited. It’s true. So Katie, before you got here, I asked Steph, hey, do you have any stories you’d like to share tonight? She’s like, nope, sure don’t. I’m like, I’m like, Steph, can you try? You’re like, I can try.

[2:29] Steph, like, you know how this works. Like, at least come to the table with one story. Dang it. It’ll come to you. It will. Once we keep talking, it will. So, it is the end of summer now.

[2:46] We went on vacations, family vacations. Yes. And we should share some stories about our family vacations this summer. So, you went to Lake Erie with your husband and two sons. Yep. How was that? You know what? But Mike has been telling me this would be such a good trip for like five years. We stayed in Port Clinton. And then every day we went on a different adventure. Okay. So we went to Cedar Point one day. We went to Kelly’s Island one day. We went to Put-In-Bay one day. We went to an African drive-thru safari. So Mike is not the party planner. He is not the event planner of our vacations. Oh, he’s not? No. Oh, I didn’t know that. No, he has ideas on where we go big picture, but I do all the party planning. I do all the daily events. Okay.

[3:40] So I had heard about this African wildlife safari, and it was a drive-through, and the day that we were going to go, it was iffy weather-wise, and it was like, is it going to rain? Is it not going to rain? I was like, if we’re in the car, it’s cool. And animals don’t care. Animals get wet, right? No problem. So what I didn’t tell Mike is when I was booking the tickets, I just did a quick Google search on experiences and how people, they loved it or didn’t love it. There were so many five-star reviews. So many. There was one one-star review.

[4:16] One star? Yeah. And the person showed a picture of their windshield, which was shattered. Oh, no. Yes. The windshield, not like the side window, the front of the car, the windshield. So evidently they had went at a time where the animals were very hungry. And I believe the review was that they didn’t buy food or they didn’t give enough food.

[4:49] Yeah, we’ll show you what’s up. Give me three peanuts. That’s all you got. So they’re going through this drive-thru, and the animals are just looking at them. And this steer was like, this isn’t working for me. I’m hungry. And I think the animal walked up to the car, looked in the windshield, and the lady didn’t have any food. Like, we just ran out. Yeah, like, we don’t have any food. And it rammed her car. Legit rammed her car. and she said beware they did not replace my windshield laughing.

[5:26] After I signed that agreement, that waiver. Yeah, it’s in the fine print when you get your tickets. So I didn’t tell that to Mike, as obviously. So why don’t you tell the listeners how Mike is with his car? When I met Mike, he drove a Jeep Cherokee, and he loved his car so much. And he took such good care of this thing. Oh my gosh, it was mint. He would yell at me if I did not pick my feet up and put my feet in the car if I drug it and I got the threshold all muddy he would get super ticked additionally I had a cup one day I was drinking something and I dare put it in the cup holder it left a ring and he was like you don’t do that so, that’s how much Mike he just takes care of his thing yes he does his car and your car Katie yes They are always clean. Yes. They’re always spotless. Spotless. So clean. Like, I don’t want to ride with your husband because I’m afraid of getting his vehicle. Oh, yes. Dirtying the car. Yes. Doing anything. You would never know you had two boys if you would go into your car. Had no clue. Well, I remember we were somewhere. It may have been at Myrtle Beach. And we had gone to the beach.

[6:40] He would not let you guys get back in the car. You rode in the trunk. Yeah, he threw us in the trunk. You threw me in the trunk with the hatch, right? Yeah, the hatch up. And all three of you were on a beach towel. Steven, myself, Sam, and Alex were in the back of his car, SUV, with the hatch up like hillbillies. Yes. Because we weren’t allowed to be on the leather. Did not want to get sand on his vehicle. And when you say Steven, that is a 45-year-old adult. Six foot plus. That he’s not letting in his car because he’s got sand on his feet. Yeah, don’t do it. That’s who we’re talking about. That’s what we’re talking about. And I took him to an African drive-thru.

[7:22] It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. You’re going to love it. Before you pull in, are you nervous? Yeah. And does he know what he’s getting into? No. So what are you getting into? Like, do you sign a waiver? Is there a stand to buy food for the animals? Okay. And I had pre-bought the food because I knew that if we went through and they were like, would you like to buy some food? He’d be like, heck no, I don’t want to buy food. Not in my car. No. No, because it was leaf lettuce, carrots, and pellets. Okay. So I bought a package. Uh-huh. We had two cups of pellets, two cups of produce. Okay. And what animals are you expecting to see here? Okay. I knew we were going to see giraffes. Okay. And zebras, which is the one that like. Apparently a longhorn. Yeah. Like, was it like a longhorn? Was it a bison? Well, I knew bison, but I didn’t look up on the website to see exactly what we were going to see. And my hope is that that animal had died by now. They’re extinct yeah.

[8:23] Well now that you say that i remember someone telling me about the safari and told me hey you might want to take a rental car to the safari if you don’t want to use your car because there is a risk that they could damage your car so i remember them saying that now that you’re mentioning this i’m like that’s actually a good idea just get runner’s insurance twenty dollars oh yeah enterprise and you don’t have to worry about it oh my gosh so i knew obviously it was a drive-through i knew you gave the animals food and that’s about all i knew uh-huh that was it so we pull in and she was like did you want to order some food i was like i already got the food i prepaid, i prepaid and mike’s looking at me like what kind of food did you buy so we give the boys they had leafy lettuce. It was like long stems of romaine, and it was in these giant big gulp cups. And then Mike and I got these pellets. And when I say pellets, they’re like the size of quarters. They’re big. Oh, okay. Big pellets, okay? So we pull in, and at first when you pull in, there’s like these really cute deer. And you’re like, oh, that’s adorable. And Mike’s like, look, boys, roll down your windows, kids, feed the deer. Okay.

[9:40] And then the largest cow I’ve ever seen in my life with horns that legit span. How long is this dining room table? What is this? Seven foot? Eight foot? Seven or eight feet. Yeah. Those were the horns. Yes. Those were the horns on this thing. And there was a herd of them. Getting close to your car. Mike is starting to sweat, you guys. He’s like, he’s closing his eyes. And the animal sensed it. You know what I mean? He could sense it. And he was like looking at us, sizing us up. Mike was like, everybody roll up the windows. Do not make eye contact. Look at the ground. Hide the food. Hide the food. Do not make eye contact.

[10:40] The people in front of us they gave all their food to these animals probably because they were scared to death they were like take whatever you want do you want my wallet and this is the first group you’re seeing very first thing oh no behind the sweet little deer is these giant cows i’ve never seen they’re not longhorns because they’re from africa cup but they are just massive and mike described them as can openers they had can openers on each side of their head and so he’s having a moment you didn’t see this on the website did you no nope i didn’t nope but you’re like i bet that’s the animal, that’s the one star review that one there.

[11:31] So he’s like everybody hide your food do not make eye contact he was like boys look at the ground, And I was just closing my eyes. I was like, sweet Jesus, please don’t let this animal. So Mike’s driving just straight ahead. Like he’s got this animal on his left. No, I’m not looking. I’m not looking. Just straight ahead. Yep. Not make eye contact. And you’ve got a six-year-old and an eight-year-old. Six and seven. Yes. Expecting them to not look at the humongous animal that is right outside their window. That is eye level with them. Mike’s like, he used some expletives. And he was like, this thing could open up our car case. Did you know about this?

[12:17] Well, here’s the thing. The cow or whatever animal it is, it’s looking at you. And the moment they turn the head, that’s what Mike said. He was like, if this cow looks the other direction, we’re done. Oh, that’s true. It’s wiping you out. yes it is wiping us completely out i wasn’t thinking that she was like if you make a sound and they turn their ear we’re done yeah if he turns to go the other direction bam and then there was a point where the tip of its horn grazed the window as it walked by and.

[13:00] Everybody goes there to have a good time we’re dying sweating i was sweating bullets i was like Like, this is it. This is what pre-divorce feels like. This is what it feels like. Oh, shoot. Okay. So, will Mike listen to this and hear that you had read about a one-star review? I told him afterwards. Okay. So, he’s aware of that. Yep. I told him afterwards because, like, I got to tell you, I knew that was coming.

[13:31] I didn’t know to the extent, but I kind of knew that was coming. So how were the boys then? Were they quiet? Oh, yeah. They did. Oh, yeah. So they were scared as well? Yeah. Okay. I just, I can’t get over the visual of not just one, but a herd of these things walking towards your car. You know what they want. They know why you’re there. It’s not to pet them. It’s to feed me. Feed me. Feed me. and I specifically got our tickets for the early morning when they were going to be hungry because I heard that was more fun because they said if you go in the afternoon and it’s really hot, they’ve already been fed. So they’re kind of like, meh. And they just let you pass. They’re just like, whatever, see you later. I’ll get the dinner crew. And then the one car directly in front of us had pulled more towards the right. The one in front of them had pulled more towards the left. So Mike couldn’t pass them because he thought about just passing. He was like, I’m just going to gun it. I’m going to gun it. I’m going to get past all these so we can get to the zebras and the giraffes. They’re friendly. The non-raging animals. Yes. So all that to say, we get past these giant cows with no issue. We get to more baby deer and some other things with horns. We get to the giraffes. You guys, we finish the safari. We have all of our food left.

[14:56] Mike and i have these giant the boys gave all their lettuce away but we have these giant pellets because i was so scared to give it away to these animals yeah so i was like well shoot and you have to ration it too as you’re going yeah yeah so the team had said well you can drive through as many times as you want no doors over, And so Mike’s like, I think we’re good. That was fun. So there was the rest of the tour. There was the drive-through safari. And then there was a walk-through safari. And there were these really cute little birds, parakeets. They called budgies. And we pet the budgies. And then they had porcupines. You could feed the porcupines. And they give you this very long ladle. The porcupines were massive. I’m trying to think. They look like a mini pony. No. They were huge. Yes. Yes, mini ponies. So they give us these super long ladles that had sweet potatoes in them. And the boys, you know, put their ladles down to feed the porcupines. Alex reaches over the thing to pet it. And the worker was like, no! Alex was like, what? She was like, don’t touch the porcupine. You guys, the quills. They were at least 24 inches long, the quills. They were crazy big. And Alex was like, I’m going to pet it.

[16:20] But it was great in it we had so much fun we came through unscathed see so as soon as you get through uh-huh just like put in park and like do a walk around the vehicle i thought we were gonna leave and he was gonna go directly to a car wash i was so proud of him he didn’t really nope he didn’t get out and do a walk around and just inspect it for any damage if he did kev he He did it so nonchalantly. Very subtle. Like, oh, like I’m not doing it. You know what I mean? Like, oh, I’ll just get Alex out of the car and then I’ll walk and get Sam out of the car. You know what I mean? So it could have been one of those situations where he was like trying to be super calm. Yeah. But in his mind, like his life flashed before his eyes. Oh, man. Were you talking about Alex with the porcupine? We were at the county fair, what, two weeks ago? And first off i don’t know my animals oh my god not even i almost wanted to explain to kevin what a pony was a small horse did you know what a pony was staff stop he’s like i’m not gonna do but did you but i looked it up because i have this laptop in front of me what is a pony it is a baby horse.

[17:34] Horse a pony a pony is a baby horse nope it’s a kind of horse okay then what do you call a baby horse a foul a foal it’s a foal you say it yeah foal yep or a colt nice also colt check it.

[17:53] You’re actually correct.

[17:56] It’s spelled F-O-A-L. My bad. It’s a baby horse. It’s a baby horse. And male foals are called colts. Yep. Nailed it. Farm girls. Yep. Northwest Ohio. Female foals are called fillies. Yep. But hey, what’s a pony? What’s a pony? I don’t know anymore. Apparently it’s a type of horse.

[18:24] Obviously, I know what a baby pony is. I’m offended you wouldn’t think I knew that. Steph, come on. Uh-huh. Oh, wait. Wait until you hear this next story. Keep it coming, Kevin. Well, we go into the barn where there’s the chickens and the roosters and all that stuff. And we are by this rooster. And we’re just looking at it. Somebody texted me. I thought it was the people that we were meeting. Yes. So, I look down to check my phone to see if that’s who it is. I look down. Nope, that’s not them. Put my phone back in the pocket. Look up. Tate’s face is on the cage where the rooster is. His face is against the cage. And so, I pull him back. And as I pull him back, the rooster stabs at the back of the cage like it was stabbing at Tate’s face. Yeah. Yeah. They don’t like that. They don’t like that. No. That’s not a thing. Tate is constantly making us nervous. But again, great parenting. Let’s look at your phone I got a text kid You just keep looking at that rooster I think it’s a rooster, Don’t even know anymore.

[19:34] Steph, what is one of the most asked questions we get about Tell Us a Good Story? Do I really get that excited? Besides that one. Oh, how do we get all these incredible guests? Correct. And some of our best conversations have been with guests who our listeners have reached out to us and said, you should talk to this person. To name just a few, Nick Vujicic, Coach Tom Ryan, Carol Matico were all recommendations from our listeners. So if there’s someone you would like us to interview and think they might be a great fit for Tell Us a Good Story, please let us know at kevinandsteph.com. You don’t even have to personally know them. True, but do me a favor. Before you submit their names, please make sure they are still alive. That has actually happened and it is super hard for me to find their contact information. But regardless, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.

[20:22] So Katie, why don’t we tell you one of our fun stories from our vacation? Steph, go ahead and share it since you were coming to the table with one story mine was the pony story do you know what a pony is baby horse so did you think a mini horse when i said mini horse did you think that was a baby baby pony you did he did he just said that was a newborn born wait do you know what a miniature horse is i thought it was like the little person version of a horse i’ll call you pony boy.

[21:16] Who was the baby horse but is it you were very offended i was what’s a pony I need to just stay quiet every time we’re on animals because apparently I don’t know my animals. You don’t. Kevi, you need flashcards. Before you go in public, you need flashcards. Yes! Elle has to do flashcards at night with her math facts. You need it with your animal facts. That’s awful so on our trip to myrtle beach well there’s one from last year that we haven’t told yet okay last year katie we got to myrtle beach yes and we get there on a friday night we drove all day all day we drove all day we literally were on the road maybe two hours and l projectile vomited in the car in west virginia with through the hills and yeah it was awful so it’s been a a long day so we get there kevin’s like let’s go to the beach kids are super excited we make it to the beach and what does kevin want he wants to be buried no i don’t want to be buried that’s what the kids have been talking about all day we want to bury down in the sand you thought that was my idea okay kids once we get to the speech you know what we should do bury me no that’s not how that works. That’s like the last thing I want to happen.

[22:44] I’ve been waiting 12 hours for this moment. Be buried alive. Yes, to get sand everywhere. Every crevice. Oh my gosh. Yes, when you get in the shower, like, oh my gosh, it’s everywhere. Yes. Oh, yeah. So, no, that was not my idea. Okay. But we get there, and he gets on to bury me. Well, Tate is acting up. He’s tired. Is he three then? He’s three. He’s three. He’s tired. He didn’t sleep much. He wasn’t listening. I’m done. I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m going to take Tate up to the room. Yeah. Kevin, you stay down here and get buried alive. Well, I am by this point. I am buried alive. I’m buried in the sand up to my neck. Yeah. My whole body’s in the sand. That’s what they have done for the past half hour. Yeah. So I pick up everything that I need to. I’m taking Tate. I’m walking. I get halfway there. I don’t have a key. and then I get mad because Kevin has the key and I’m like, why didn’t he tell me? Don’t forget the key. But again, I’m hangry. I’m tired. I have a fussy whiny three-year-old. I go all the way back down. I say, Kevin, I need the key. He’s like, oh. It’s in my left pocket.

[24:00] My left pocket happens to be buried in the sand right now. It’s not a quick fix. I was just gonna stand up I wanted him to stand up Just stand up Give me the key Did the kids want me to stand up? No Because they had taken a half hour To bury their father in the sand So they start digging To my left pocket Trying to get this key While I’ve got a hangry wife Oh yeah Standing there Daggering me Not into it Not happy No Like I was supposed to know that Yeah she’s like Give me a shovel Sorry Give me a shovel Give it to me, I’ll take care of it So she’s gonna start stabbing me with a shovel. That’s a terrible idea as well. So no, that didn’t go so well with Mrs. Mason. She was not really happy about that. No. So this year, we made sure that the hotel key was not in my pocket when the kids buried me in the sand. But the most memorable experience that we had was we went to Margaritaville. Yeah, we went to Margaritaville, Broadway at the Beach. Had so much fun there. And then we’re like walking. Walking out. We’re leaving. Walking out to get to the van. and all of a sudden there was like benches sat up. I’m like, is there a show? Because last year there was a Disney princess show and I got in the front row and I was answering all the trivia.

[25:19] With all the kids beside me. And Steph’s got her arm fully raised every single question. Like, pick me, pick me, pick me. And it’s like, I know this one. Let the six-year-old girl in the back have a chance of answering the question. So i got excited like are they doing it again i’m like what are we doing here and we went up and asked yes hey is there a show going on and yes in 10 minutes we’re gonna have a fire show fire show okay we can wait 10 minutes yes for sure you’re all in sit kids were all about it yes yep so we stayed we’re gonna watch this fire show guess it’s in the front row you were i sure was. Yes, girl. I was. So, Katie, in the past, when you’ve gone and seen a show, whether it’s Cirque du Soleil or Street Magician or someone in Vegas, Hypnotist, we’re always in awe of their talent, their skill, what they do, and you’re not necessarily concerned that they’re going to mess up or anything. Because you’re always in awe of what they do. This was not one of those shows.

[26:27] This was not Not one of those shows. So there’s four people in this, quote, fire show. All right. There’s four people in the show. A pirate, a mad scientist, a gypsy, and a ninja. Now, the only person who did not mess up during the show was the gypsy. Yeah. She was phenomenal. She was really good. She was phenomenal. But when you look at these four entertainers, performers, you’re like, okay, they’re not ready for the big time just yet. I wouldn’t suggest you start applying for America’s Got Talent, right? Because they’re still kind of amateur hour here. Yeah. With fire. With things that could kill them. Well, eventually, it gets a fire. Okay. So, the pirate comes out and he’s the emcee of the show. And Steph, how many people were there? 25, 30 maybe? Yeah, maybe. Okay. It’s 7.30 at night, I would say. He introduces the mad scientist. Okay. So, the mad scientist comes out. She’s got this table and she lights something on fire, right? It’s one of her science experiments, turns it on fire. And then she starts juggling. You’re like, Oh, okay. All right. Okay. She starts juggling, but the juggling isn’t like really good. It’s like.

[27:33] Passing it one hand to another yes like a hot potato okay so you’re like oh okay is that the trick you don’t know and then warming up then the pirate on the side of the stage starts like applauding starts clapping like really loud and like oh okay he wants to sit there and like claps like oh okay the hot potato that was the actual trick that wasn’t part of something else so okay maybe this isn’t professional hour here okay so then she gets another hot potato i guess and she She starts juggling even more. Well, she drops one on the floor. Oh. And they’re standing on a wooden deck. Oh. This fire show. So an assistant on the side runs over, grabs the baton. No, she puts like a fire blanket over it. That’s what it was. Yeah, she puts a fire blanket over it. Yeah, so we’re like, oh, okay. That was legitimately.

[28:18] That’s not part of the show. That was not part of the show. That’s not part of the show. Okay. So then she ends her little section of it. And then this is, it comes out, pulls off the fire blanket. Okay, we’re good. We’re good. Right? Like we didn’t burn the deck. Yeah. Okay. So then the next person comes out, the gypsy. Gypsy was good. She was phenomenal. Gypsy’s super good. She was good. She was so good. Okay, so she did not mess up. Yeah. Then the third person comes on is the ninja. And I’ve never been to a show where I thought they could possibly burn the place down. Yeah. Because I’m always in awe and I have a confidence in them like they are professionals here. I’m not concerned with them messing up. Throwing fire into the audience. Yes, are causing damage to themselves physically or anything. Okay. So when there is an actual threat that they may cause injury to themselves or to a spectator, your attention is elevated. Okay. I am focused on what they are doing. Like you have my attention. Yes. So the ninja comes out. He starts doing this fire stuff, like with a ring and all this stuff. And it’s probably 30 seconds into his performance. And he catches himself on fire. No. He did?

[29:26] Did he really yeah yeah to the point where kevin and i grab each other and we are getting ready to stand up i’m getting ready as a nurse yes so he caught him’s lapel on fire and steph being the nurse yeah you’re probably thinking i’m going to have to save burn victims yeah tonight yes so what do you think my wife does in the front row she is like yelling at the ninja you’re on fire.

[29:53] She’s like trying to show him like with her shirt like you your shirt’s on fire he doesn’t feel that no no the pirates tried to calm me down we got this i’m like are you sure because he’s on fire.

[30:13] So the pirate calmed down. We got this, right? Oh, okay. And so he stops juggling or doing his thing with the fire rings. Yeah. He pats himself down and put the fire out. Yeah. No big deal. Right. He was very calm. He was. More than we were. Apparently, he’s done that before. Oh, yeah. But it’s like he pats himself down, puts the fire out. And then, of course, same thing. He keeps doing his performance. And your attention is elevated. He’s going to do it again. Yeah. Or if he drops a ring, is it going to roll down here? In front of me and my family? Are we going to have to pick up and just haul our rear ends out of here with your parents, our three little kids? I am, it has my attention. We were so close, you know, because I was in the front row. We were so close. A couple of times there was a wind issue. It was very windy that night too. But they would, you know, want their fires to be even bigger. So when they would throw whatever on them to make them bigger, you felt the heat, right? To the point where Emmy got scared. She moved in the second row with mom and dad. So we were feeling it, right? But I cheered him on. I cheered him on the whole time.

[31:26] So then it’s the pirate’s turn. So the pirate comes out and he’s juggling something. But he’s dropping them on the ground every 30 seconds. I’m like, okay, maybe he’s not that good. So then he’s got to up the ante. Then he moves the swords. Okay and then steph’s like oh my gosh now he’s juggling swords.

[31:46] Okay so then he gets on this balance thing yes this balances it looks like a skateboard on top of a on top of like a can like a can of soup you know it was bigger but that’s kind of what works so he’s balancing that and he’s like i’m going to promote myself up to swords and you’re like you couldn’t juggle bowling two minutes ago yeah so he starts juggling swords and of course he’s dropping the swords a few times you’re like oh my gosh then let’s go next level so then they light the swords on fire it says like oh good lord now he’s juggling fire like what is going on so he’s juggling fire juggling fire and i don’t think he dropped he didn’t he didn’t drop any of the fire but like what makes you think you can juggle the fire and you’re ready for that nope Right. And that you’re not going to burn the place down. So this is over the top entertainment. Like I am incredibly entertained right now, but I’m also concerned as well that they’re going to harm themselves in some way because they still need to work on. They’re going to set the whole thing on fire. Yes. They’re going to burn the place down. One of the two. One of the two. Yeah. So how long was this? 25 minutes? 25, 30. Yeah. So then the gypsy came out, got the microphone. Hey, just want to thank everybody for coming out tonight. This was an amazing crowd. especially this woman here in the front row.

[33:12] Thank you ma’am for all your positive encouragement tonight as we were performing.

[33:22] So and the performance and then of course Steph runs up to the stage she has to hug all four like the pirate and the gypsy bring it in we get a picture We made everyone safe. Everyone’s all in one piece. I didn’t have to save any burn victims tonight. I was so happy. And then they had to get a picture with Steph. Obviously. So we got a picture with Steph. And then the kids went over. And our kids and Steph got a picture with these four entertainers. Oh, I have to see it. But then they’re like, you know, we’re doing another show. I’m like, oh. Tonight. And you should come. And they’re like, we’d really like it if you were there. I’m like, okay. I’m like, is it the same kind of show? Yeah, I’m like, is it fire? Is it? And they’re like, no, no, this is LED lights. This one. I’m like, okay, thank God. We don’t need a fire marshal at this one. And the kids thought it was the best show ever. Because it shows you adult perspective versus the kids. If you ask them today, their favorite part of the whole vacation was the fire show. It’s so fun just to hear the kids. It’s like, oh, it was so cool. I’m like, yeah, daddy and I almost ran up on stage and put ourselves over the person to put their fire out. Yes. Stop, drop, and roll. That’s what I wanted to say.

[34:50] If you like what you hear, please tell someone about us. As soon as this episode is over, go tell your spouse, your closest friend, a parent, a coworker, or share one of our posts on social media. However, if you don’t like what you’re hearing, please do not don’t tell anyone don’t tell anyone don’t tell anybody just disregard this message don’t worry about it forget about us yep go on with your merry day and to get more information about us or our entire catalog of episodes be sure to check us out at kevinandsteph.com thank you for listening to tell us a good story.

[35:20] Someone just had a big birthday recently and who was that, that is correct oh wait are you not talking about me no I am talking about you you are yes, miss katie here just celebrated her 40th birthday and what was the gift that the family gave katie keller schnetzer here for her 40th me okay but when you say me what does that mean so katie and i’ve been talking for a long time about taking a sister’s trip yep so mike got with me and he’s like you know what But Katie is not into presents. She’s more into experiences. He said, so why don’t for her birthday, we figure it out and we take you and her somewhere together. And I’m like, Mike, that is a fantastic idea. I love this idea. I love this idea. So what we decided, Katie and I love to eat. Shocker, she’s eating right now because I made her a cookie so she could eat it during the show. Warm cookie. And she actually brought me a sandwich, Kevin and I a sandwich. So it works out great. But we’ve talked about like eating around the world and I’m like, you know where we can go to eat around the world. And one weekend. And one weekend. IHOP. No.

[36:41] No. Epcot. And we are going to eat around the world and we’re going to have so much fun. So. So much fun. You guys, we are so excited. It’s going to be amazing. Oh, can’t wait. So, Epcot. We are planning this. Katie now, she’s starting to look into this stuff. And she’s like, we’re going to get a photo package. So her and I are going to get pictures around the world. Every country. Every country we’re posing. Please tell me you’re not wearing like matching outfits.

[37:11] So. Tell me you don’t have like matching t-shirts. With ears. No. Kevin. That’s not a Katie thing. No. You know we’re going to coordinate our colors appropriately. So I might have gotten you something though. What? I got you a matching fanny pack. Oh my gosh. It’s a jewel! I can get you one! Because I thought you needed it. You know that makes me happy. I know. I knew that would make you happy. But we’re super excited and I’m sure there’s going to be lots of stories. I’m sure there’s going to be lots of stories from that trip. Yes. I’m just praying that you ladies get back on the flight to come home after a couple days away. Because I remember we went on a family reunion to iowa when we got back you ladies are still talking like this was an eight plus hour trip and we come inside and you ladies are still just hanging out talking like steph didn’t you get all your katie time already on this trip you still want to keep talking there’s still words you guys so many words had to share share so many words so i’m praying you get back on the plane and please come home please come home when i opened up the gift i didn’t know what it was because I had three gifts.

[38:27] And the first one, they were the plane tickets. I didn’t know what it was. All I saw was Steffi’s name besides Southwest. I throw it up in the air. I’m like, where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going? I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care where we’re going. And the boys, bless them. They’re very excited because they’re like, where are we going? And I was like, you’re not going anywhere. Going home with your dad. Going to bed. That’s where you’re going.

[39:03] And then when they heard we were going to Disney, they were like, we’re going to Disney. I was like, you’re not bad. Mom’s going to Disney. We say, you know, we talk. I’m like, we’re going to Epcot. And Katie’s so excited. Alex, her youngest, is right behind her. And he’s so excited. So happy. And then somebody said, no, buddy. It’s just your mom and your aunt. His face drops and like his head went down his shoulders went down high five at each other we’re going to Disney bro we’re going to Disney oh not exactly gotta read the fine prayer we’re going to Disney when we say we are going to Disney the two moms your mom and aunt going to Disney oh that video is so funny because yes Yes, you see Alex’s face. He’s crushed. He’s just like, why would you do that? And Katie’s there cheering. That’s awful. And they’ve never been to Disney. They’ve never been. They have not. But we are so excited. We’re so excited. Ladies, you’re going to have a blast. Two weeks from today, we are still eating. Oh, I’m so excited. We’ve got to come back with a good story. Oh, we’re going to come to so many. Hey, that time I will have a story for you. Yep.

[40:25] Friends we want to encourage you to please follow us wherever you listen to this whether it’s on the apple podcast app iheart radio spotify or one of the other platforms you guys it’s completely free and while you’re there feel free to give us a rating or a nice review thank you for listening to tell us a good story.