Kevin + Stephanie Mason
A Message of Healing & Hope
- When you are faced with the biggest challenge of your life, what do you do?
- When doctors give you life-threatening news, do you still even believe in God?
- When trials come (and they will) do you have a plan?
These are just a few of the questions we have had to answer ourselves. In the process of writing a book, starting a podcast, and becoming nationally syndicated radio hosts, we have been honored to share our VERY UNIQUE personal stories with many different audiences.
From being featured on TV, radio, podcast, and newspaper interviews, we have spoken (both individually and as a couple) at churches, business groups, and marriage conferences. If you feel our story would benefit your congregation or audience in some way, we would love to hear from you.
Personal Testimony Includes:
– Electrocution
– Brain Tumor
– Brain Surgery
– Infertility
– Miscarriage
– Cancer

Pastor Micah Pelkey
Storyside Church
Bellville, OH
“Kevin and Steph spoke at our marriage retreat this year. Of course, their stories and what they have experienced are very inspiring. However, their sense of humor and chemistry as a couple were so unique to watch. And I have heard from many couples in our church that the Mason’s story inspired hope and optimism in their own lives.”

Stacy McKay
Sunny 95 Radio Host
Columbus, OH
“I was on Kevin and Steph’s podcast, Tell Us a Good Story, then read their book, and wow…what a story they have! Through all their challenges, they have something you can relate to. And most importantly, they share HOW to get through life’s challenges with faith and show that miracles do still happen.”

Pastor Keith Deal
Community Worship Center
Tyrone, PA
“Our church was so blessed to have Kevin and Stephanie share their testimony. Their story testifies to the miracle-working power of the God we serve and challenges all who hear it to live by faith and not by sight!”

Walter Russell
CEO, Russell and Company
New Albany, OH
“I first met Kevin and Stephanie after she shared her incredible healing story at church. Then years later, I had the opportunity to participate on Iron Sharpens Iron with Kevin and his story actually brought me to tears. They are amazing people with a compelling story that everyone needs to hear.”